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Which one is better

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Which one is better


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  • 2023-11-15 19:00:00

    The qualification certificate of FIATA international freight forwarder is the best. It is widely recognized by freight forwarding enterprises all over the world and is the most authoritative certificate among the qualification certificates of freight forwarding practitioners in the world at present. When approving or annually reviewing domestic freight forwarders, government executives or their agencies in many countries regard the number of holders of the "FIATA International Freight Forwarder Qualification Certificate" as a rigid indicator.

    Which one is better

    Three A-level excellent freight qualification certificates

    The cycle of integrity assessment and scoring assessment for road transport practitioners is 12 months, which is calculated from the date of receiving the qualification certificate for the first time. Integrity assessment grades are divided into excellent, qualified, basically qualified and unqualified, which are respectively represented by AAA, AA, A and B. In the assessment cycle, if the cumulative score exceeds the specified value, the integrity assessment level is B.

    The provincial competent department of transportation and the road transportation administration shall publish the annual integrity assessment and scoring assessment results of road transportation practitioners to the public for reference.

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