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What physique is peach gum not suitable for?

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What physique is peach gum not suitable for?


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    It is firmly believed that many people have never eaten peach pulp, and even some people do not know what peach gum is. In fact, peach pulp is the vegetable oil metabolized from fruit trees, also known as peach oil. Especially if there is a wound on the fruit tree, it is very easy to metabolize this kind of peach pulp. This kind of peach pulp is actually edible, And the nutrients are also very rich and colorful, so what group can't eat peach pulp?

    Which physical qualities are not suitable for peach pulp?

    You can't eat peach syrup when you are pregnant. It's not good for children.

    It is strictly forbidden to eat peach juice in early pregnancy. It tastes bitter and sweet, warm and non-toxic, but it has the effect of breaking blood, promoting blood circulation and removing silt, so it is not recommended to take it in early pregnancy.

    The main ingredients of peach juice are galactose and glucose, and there are also some acidic substances. If you take too much of this ingredient, it will easily affect the digestion and absorption of other vegetable and fruit nutrients in your stomach. Therefore, it will not only be impossible to eat, but also may continue to cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

    Peach pulp cold

    Peach pulp is cold, so it is not suitable for people who are afraid of cold. As a nourishing and health care product, peach pulp is used by many people as a choice for their own beauty and skin care or curing some diseases in daily life, and there is no need to worry about side effects, which is very beneficial to the human body, but not necessarily all people are suitable to eat peach pulp, so they should choose it according to their own physical conditions. Those who cannot accept it are better not to eat it numbly.

    Children should not eat more

    It is suggested that children should avoid eating peach pulp as much as possible. Since the infant stage is the stage from the baby food to the intake of general ingredients, the growth and development of human viscera is not very sound, and the digestion and absorption of food are limited. Peach pulp contains epoxy resin, which is not conducive to children's digestion and absorption, so children should not eat more.

    Side effects of peach syrup

    Such substances as peach syrup are characteristic substances in the geographical environment. They are pure natural substances without all toxic and side effects. They are not easy to have all adverse side effects on the body if they are not taken too much. In addition, this kind of peach syrup has excellent health care effects on human gastrointestinal bladder, and is a kind of health care Chinese herbal medicine suitable for people to take.

    How to eat peach syrup:

    Stewed with papaya to make papaya peach pulp, which tastes sweet and slightly bitter.

    Peach gum tremella red bean syrup: 15g peach syrup, 1 pear (300g), 30g old rock sugar, 5g white agaric. Peach syrup is metabolized from damaged subcutaneous tissues of fruit trees

    5g Manyumei, 1000ml cold water. Soak the peach pulp in cold water overnight (up and down for 12 hours) until it becomes soft, and the volume can grow about 10 times. Then carefully remove the grayish black residue on the surface of the soft peach pulp, clean it repeatedly with cold water, and tear it into a small, symmetrical piece. Soak the white fungus in clear water for 20 minutes and then tear it into small pieces. Peel and cut the pear into 1cm dice. Put the peach pulp, white fungus and water into the pot. After the fire, turn to a gentle fire and cook again for 30 minutes. At this time, the sauce is just getting thicker and thicker. Add diced pears and boil for 5 minutes, then add old rock sugar and cranberry, mix and boil for 3 minutes, until the old rock sugar is completely dissolved and the sauce is sticky.


    2024-05-26 12:00:00

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