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Complete recipe for stewed pancakes _ home recipe for authentic stewed pancakes

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Complete recipe for stewed pancakes _ home recipe for authentic stewed pancakes


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    As a typical characteristic snack in Henan Province, braised pancakes conform to the pastry oriented diet structure of northeast people. Its key raw material is spread pancakes, which can also be said to be a kind of pancakes and fruits. According to the difference between other vegetables and fruits and meat food, braised pancakes also have a lot of taste, Different people can choose and match their favorite condiments according to their own diet structure and preferences. Therefore, pure stewed cakes are rich in taste and nutrition.

    There are many ways to make pancakes, including plain pancakes, silk stockings and high-heeled shoes, and simple pancakes. There are many ways to eat pancakes at the home staple food stall. You can take them immediately, or make shredded pancakes with mixed brocade, shredded pancakes with Dutch beans, or stewed pancakes with delicious soup and rich nutrition.

    Mode 1

    Green beans, tomatoes, steamed buns, garlic, oil, salt


    1. Cut the steamed bun into thin strips, remove the tendons of kidney beans, clean and drain, and cut the tomato into slices.

    2. Heat the boiling oil to stir fry the whole garlic (more can be put, very delicious), stir fry the green beans until the whole is green, and stir fry the steamed buns evenly.

    3. Add water to half of all raw materials, put tomato slices in and boil them, turn down the heat and simmer until the steamed buns become loose, and then open the fire to close the soup. If you don't feel good enough, add a little salt.

    Mode 2

    The raw materials required for stewed cakes are as follows:

    Main materials: pancakes, black fungus, carrots, persimmon peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, dried beans, Chinese cabbage, raw eggs, stewed beef

    Seasonings: onion, stewed beef soup, salt, soy sauce

    Hot pot side dishes are not limited to the above mentioned categories, and can be easily grasped according to family hobbies. The more types of food we eat every day, the more colorful the colors, the better, and the more balanced the nutrients. Therefore, when I make this kind of stewed or fried rice (such as mixed fried cake shreds, mixed fried rice, etc.), I usually choose as many kinds of hot pot side dishes as possible.

    Manufacturing process

    1. Use clear water to bubble the black fungus, clean it, pinch off the hard base, and break it into small pieces;

    2. Soak the mushroom with clear water, clean and cut into strips;

    3. Rinse and peel the carrots and cut them into slices;

    4. Clean the persimmon and pepper, remove the seeds and tear them into small pieces;

    5. Clean and cut tomato into small pieces;

    6. Cut dried bean curd into strips; [1]

    7. Wash and slice Chinese cabbage;

    8. Knock the raw egg into the bowl and scatter it. Give oil to the frying pan, boil it, pour in the egg liquid, stir it with a shovel, and put it out after frying;

    9. The pancake can be cut into a finger wide strip or prismatic block.

    All the raw materials have been properly solved, so we can start frying. Boil the oil in the pan. First put the onion into the pan to explode the aroma. Then put the tomatoes, carrots, black fungus, mushrooms, dried beans, and persimmon peppers into the pan to stir fry.

    Add mutton soup (without beef and mutton soup and cold water) to the pot at least 2 fingers and little fingers of fresh vegetables and fruits, put the stewed beef into the pot, cover the lid, and boil the soup on fire.

    After the soup is boiled, add Chinese cabbage and fried raw eggs, add soy sauce and salt seasoning, and mix them evenly. Note: Chinese cabbage is easy to cook, so it can reduce the cooking time and avoid the outflow of too many nutrients.

    Then add pancakes and mix well. Boil for 1 or 2 minutes, soak the sauce thoroughly into the pancake, and then turn off the fire and start the pan.

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