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Is eating pineapple to lower the fire or to raise the fire?

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Is eating pineapple to lower the fire or to raise the fire?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Pineapple is a well-known fresh fruit in daily life. It has very high nutritional content, rich and colorful vitamins and other ingredients. It is an excellent fresh fruit used to nourish and maintain health. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, more and more people are beginning to love pineapple, which has led to a sharp increase in sales of pineapple. However, pineapple is a fresh fruit growing in tropical climate, so many people are worried about whether eating pineapple is easy or not?

    To put it bluntly, easy to catch fire is the definition of traditional Chinese medicine, and for modern science, it is a general term for a disease caused by oxidative stress. High sugar, high calorie and high fat diet can cause this kind of disease. Pineapple's sugar content is OK. Eating too much will lead to excessive sugar intake, resulting in a series of oxidative stress reactions.

    Jackfruit itself has the effect of removing fire. But if you eat too much, it will turn too cold to hot, especially in summer and autumn.

    According to traditional Chinese medicine, jackfruit is sweet in taste, cold in nature, and has the function of tonifying the spleen and stomach, consolidating the original qi, and nourishing blood. In Li Shixiang's "Materia Medica Steel List", jackfruit is called a seasonal fruit with both medical and food benefits. There is a component called jackfruit prion enzyme in jackfruit, which has the effect of dissolving protein and promoting digestion, can improve the blood circulation system of parts of the body, promote everything in the blood circulation system of the body to be normal, and can also clear inflammation.

    Material expansion:

    Pineapple is rich in nutrients, including glycogen, protein, human fat, vitamin D, B1.B2.C, protein decomposing fruit enzyme, calcium, phosphorus, iron, citric acid, niacin, etc., especially vitamin C is the largest.

    Pineapple is sweet, sour, and cold in nature. It can clear heat, remove fire, produce fluid, quench thirst, and relieve constipation. It can be used to hurt heat, fear cold and thirst, stuffy stomach, indigestion, poor urination, dizziness, etc.

    In addition, there is a kind of fruit enzyme similar to stomach acid in the fruit juice, which can dissolve protein and promote digestion. Delicious and delicious jackfruit, this kind of fresh fruit can not only lose weight, but also have different effects on physical and mental health.

    Differences between pineapple and pineapple:

    1. Pineapple leaves are different from jackfruit leaves. Pineapple leaves are not toothed, while jackfruit leaves are toothed.

    2. When peeling pineapples and pineapples, the hohhot of pineapple is lighter, and the hohhot of jackfruit is deeper.

    3. Pineapple is sweet and can be eaten without salt soaking. Jackfruit must be soaked with salt.

    4. Pineapple tastes more delicious and sweet than jackfruit. Eating pineapple for a long time is not as easy to get angry as jackfruit.

    5. The pineapple skin is emerald green, and the pineapple skin is orange.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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