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Efficacy and taboo of wheatgrass

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Efficacy and taboo of wheatgrass


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Speaking of wheatgrass, we may not know it very well. It is a green plant with more trace elements, and it is also a more delicious healthy vegetable. Because the special food made of ice grass tastes better and can be eaten raw immediately, it is very popular among diners. But we just know that ice grass has high practical value, but we have little knowledge of its functions and taboos. Let's take a look at it next.

    Efficacy of wheatgrass

    Wheatgrass contains pure natural green plant salt, carbohydrate, carotene and other substances. After taking it, it can quench thirst and supplement nutrient salt. It is a kind of vegetable and fruit with high nutrient content.

    Ice is soft and nutritious. Horses and sheep like it best when they are young. Cattle and camels also like it. Feeding ruminant livestock with wheatgrass has higher absorption rate and digestible nutrients. In the drought grassland area, it is a high-quality pure natural green feed. Its seed production is high, easy to collect, and its budding ability is quite strong.

    Taboos on taking wheatgrass

    There is basically no taboo for taking ice grass, so we can take it with peace of mind.

    Can ice grass be eaten immediately?

    can. As the wheatgrass itself contains pure plant salt, it has a shallow salt taste on its mouth. Clean the wheatgrass without adding any. Taste it carefully with your tongue, and you can feel the shallow salty taste. The wheatgrass tastes fresh, tender, less dregs, crispy and juicy. This kind of personality is also the most perceptible according to the way of eating it raw. Some restaurants will put the ice grass directly eaten raw on the ice to make the taste of ice grass more cool. It is especially good for the spleen and appetizer after spring.

    But a kind of interesting food is often more and more popular, and a single cooking method is obviously insufficient. The way to eat wheatgrass is not that simple. In addition to ice drinks and eating raw, chefs most want to make fruit salad from ice grass. It is said that before it was introduced into China, ice grass was already common in French cuisine and some western restaurants.

    In general fruit salad, wheatgrass is a kind of food that is very easy to use, because it does not have a very "unique" taste, which is conducive to matching with all kinds of food. It is not bad to be a "hero" or "actor". And the "color, smell and taste" of the wheatgrass is very beautiful. Every leaf of the fresh wheatgrass is as wonderful as it can squeeze out water. When they came to China, the famous chefs used a variety of Chinese and Western methods to spice up the ice grass salad, which was also very unique.

    For example, in Guiyushan House in Hangzhou, wheatgrass is used together with "high-end" vegetables and fruits such as black truffle, white asparagus, Sakya fruit, organic chemical carrots, etc. It is matched with vinegar and vegetable oil, which has the taste of western restaurants and the poetic flavor of Chinese restaurants, and can be regarded as the luxury equipment of wheatgrass. The salad with cold vegetables and fruits in the Shangri La Hotel's Shangri La in Suzhou is pure new Chinese taste, and the fresh feeling of ice grass is also very unique. In addition, Japanese style sauce, fresh soy sauce, peanut butter, etc. can be used to mix ice grass, all of which have flavor.

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