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Taboos of eating small molecular peptides

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Taboos of eating small molecular peptides


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  • 2024-05-25 11:00:00

    We all know that peptides are substances that regulate the life and death cycle of human beings and play a particularly important role in the body. Supplementing exogenous peptides can further improve the quality of human life. But in the whole process of taking peptide, there must be a lot of doubts about the way of taking peptide, ingredients, and efficacy against different diseases. Is there any dependence on peptide supplementation? Do you need to take it for a long time?

    Peptide supplement has no sense of dependence. It only improves the sub-health status of the body and regulates the physical function. Peptide can improve physical fitness. After taking it, the physical weakness and immune ability are improved. The digestive tract has a good digestion and absorption effect. As a health care function, it can reduce medication and take it again at intervals. However, if the seasons alternate and infectious diseases are frequent, it is indispensable for the weak to prevent taking food.

    The actual effect of peptide on anti-aging is about how long can you get significant feeling after taking it continuously?

    Slow down skin aging and increase physical and mental health service life due to the antioxidant effect of peptides and the elimination of excessive oxygen free radicals in the body. "Longevity spot", that is, senile spot, is a dark brown soft spot on the skin, which is also found on the internal organs of the body. With the growth of age, there will be more and more "longevity spots". Others feel that the main symptoms are autonomic insufficiency, memory ability, IQ and other obstacles, which also means the decline of the body.

    Because small molecular active peptides have small molecular weight and compact structure, they can capture and remove excessive "oxygen free radicals" and hazardous substances from the body to a large extent, inhibit the peroxide effect of oxygen free radicals on randomly cultivated substrates, make the body cells repair, maintain body charm, reduce the production of pigmentation, and then block the emergence of "longevity spots". This kind of anti-oxidation effect of protein peptide also has the anti-aging effect, making the body and mind healthy in all systems of the human body, improving the immune function of the body, maintaining all normal metabolism of body cells, slowing down cell aging, and making people live longer.

    According to the physical quality and digestive absorption of different people, from March to June, the wrinkles will be reduced, and the age spots, color spots, pregnancy spots, and skin spots will be gradually eliminated.

    Compared with protein powder on the market, what are the stronger effects of peptides?

    Cutting the protein into small fragments will produce various peptides. The relative molecular weight of the protein is large and is not easy to be digested and absorbed by the body. When the protein passes through the stomach, the strong base stomach acid will make the protein lose its specificity. The peptide has low relative molecular weight, high digestibility, and is not easy to convert. It maintains physiological specificity, instantly works on the body, and has faster efficacy.

    Is bioactive peptide effective for Alzheimer's disease?

    According to a small molecular water oligopeptide compound extracted, it has a certain impact on human brain learning and training, and can improve the memory ability of the elderly.

    1. Antioxidant effect, reduce cholesterol, and improve human function;

    2. Maintain Fumeilai nerve cells. Fumeilai nerve cell is a key learning and training area. Frequent learning and training can keep the human brain young, eliminate apoptotic somatic cells, and improve the expression of cell necrosis system.

    3. Promote the expression of neurotrophic factors. The neurotrophic factor itself is a kind of small molecule polypeptide compound, which can promote cell proliferation, growth, development, division, survival and function expression during the growth and development of the central nervous system, and is also very beneficial to the growth and development of young people and children.

    There may be a conflict between various foods. Peptides are obtained from foods. Will there be a conflict between various peptides?

    Not easy. Food and medicine are of the same origin, and medicine can not match food therapy. Peptides have two characteristics of food and drug homology, and have strong self-consciousness and little external influence. The carbohydrate main chain on the peptide chain determines that the peptide chain has intelligent characteristics and a very good compatibility mode. To put it bluntly, even if food is mutually exclusive, it will only lead to the outflow of nutrients, and peptide chains can also promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients. For example, peptides can chelate minerals to promote their digestion and absorption.

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