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How long can prawns be cooked in water

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How long can prawns be cooked in water


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    Shrimp is a kind of seafood with very delicious taste, and it is one of the most popular foods on the table all the time. Because shrimp can be used to make a variety of delicious cooking, it is unforgettable delicious. However, because the ingredients of shrimp are miscellaneous, it is very easy to accumulate harmful substances in the body. Therefore, shrimp must be boiled. Let's discuss how shrimp can be boiled for more than ten minutes? I hope you can understand.

    How long can lobsters be cooked by blanching: five minutes up and down.

    Generally speaking, the heating time is different according to the size of the shrimp. After boiling, add shrimp. If the shrimp is larger, it takes 5 minutes up and down. If the shrimp is smaller, it usually takes 2-3 minutes. If the shrimp is red, it means it is already ripe.

    The process of boiling shrimp:

    1. Prepare shrimp. Remove the shrimps from the refrigerator 20 minutes in advance, and put them into water to unfreeze until the fresh shrimps reach the indoor temperature. Peeling or no shrimp.

    2. Put water into the boiling pot until the shrimp is not over, boil it, and pour the shrimp into the pot to ensure that the water is not over all the shrimp.

    3. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Be careful not to let the water come out. Therefore, if you see bubbles in the pot, you can put out the fire and lift the pot.

    4. Close the lid and wait for the shrimp to fade. It is better to let the shrimp stay in the pot again for 5 to 10 minutes, and it will turn pink after being cooked.

    5. Pick up the shrimp and filter it. After the shrimp is dried, the shrimp skin can be peeled off after it is moderately cooled. Naturally, it can also attract people to peel the dried shrimps.

    Nutritional analysis

    1. Shrimp is nutritious, soft and easy to digest. It is a good food for people who are weak and need recuperation after illness.

    2. Shrimp contains rich and colorful magnesium, which has a key buffering effect on heart activity and can maintain the endocrine system very well. It can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood, avoid arteriosclerosis, and expand coronary arteries, which is beneficial to prevent hypertension and myocardial infarction.

    3. Shrimp has a strong lactating effect, and contains phosphorus and calcium, especially for children and pregnant women.

    4. Biologists from Osaka University in Japan found that astaxanthin in shrimp body is conducive to eliminating "jet lag" caused by time difference reaction.


    2024-05-26 12:00:00

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