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Efficacy and Function of Satsuma

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Efficacy and Function of Satsuma


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  • 2024-05-25 17:01:48

    Have so many little fairies eaten sugar orange? No matter I walk in the wholesale market of agricultural products or in the shopping mall, there are thick sugar oranges and honey oranges. But do you know the benefits of eating sugar orange? What are the functions and effects of sugar orange?

    The function and efficacy of sugar orange

    1. Invigorate the spleen and stomach

    Strengthening the spleen and stomach is one of the key roles of satan orange. The exocarp of this kind of fresh fruit contains a lot of volatile oil and some aromatic compounds. After being digested and absorbed by the body, this substance can stimulate the stomach and intestines, accelerate the metabolism of digestive enzymes, and also eliminate the organic waste gas accumulated in the stomach and intestines, improve the digestion and absorption, and prevent disharmony between the spleen and stomach.

    2. Prevent arteriosclerosis

    Eating more sugar orange can also prevent arteriosclerosis. The pure natural gum arabic can accelerate the metabolism and dissolution of cholesterol and body fat in the human body, while the flavonoids it contains can enhance the antioxidant capacity of the human body, prevent vascular embrittlement, improve vascular ductility and ductility, and thus have the key effect of preventing arteriosclerosis.

    3. Antiinflammatory, antiseptic, cough relieving and asthma relieving

    Sarcandied tangerine is also very effective on human respiratory tract. Its volatile oil can stimulate the bronchial tubes to accelerate the discharge of sputum, and its aldehyde can also clear inflammation, allowing people to breathe more smoothly. Taking it often has a significant prevention effect on human pneumonia, asthma, cough and other diseases.

    4. Improve the working ability of human disease resistance

    Satsuma orange is a kind of fresh fruit with very high nutritional content. This kind of fresh fruit contains rich and colorful vitamin C and some methyl cellulose. In addition, glucose, fruit acid, malic acid, sodium citrate and other substances are also the key elements in this kind of fresh fruit. They can eliminate viral infection and inflammation in the human body, and also promote the regeneration of immune cells, It can significantly enhance the working ability of human disease resistance.

    Is it suitable for pregnant women to eat sugar orange?

    It is not suitable for pregnant women to eat sugar orange. It can only be distinguished by integrating the physical quality of pregnant women. Because there are a lot of vitamins in the sugar orange, which substances and glucose substances can be used. For pregnant women with normal physical fitness, eating some sugar oranges in moderation can have the actual effect of nourishing, adding nutrients and producing heat.

    In addition, sugar orange contains more carbohydrate compounds, which will cause blood sugar to rise after eating. Therefore, pregnant women with high blood sugar or diabetes themselves cannot eat, which is very likely to affect their physical and mental health. It should be noted that sugar oranges belong to cold and fresh fruits. If the pregnant woman's physical fitness is too weak and hot, she can't eat sugar oranges, or eat a small amount of sugar oranges, to prevent the improvement of body cooling, which will affect her physical and mental health and the development of her baby.

    Eating a lot of sugar oranges a day

    Eat 5 more sugar oranges every day. The doctor suggested that orange is damp and hot. Eating too many oranges is very easy to cause internal fire, which can lead to sores on the tongue, dry sore throat, constipation and other burning symptoms. If you take 3 to 5 oranges a day, you can consider the vitamins your body needs. In addition, the sugar content of Tianzizi small orange is high, people who want to control weightlessness should eat less, and diabetics cannot eat it; It is better to eat oranges together with orange collaterals. In traditional Chinese medicine, the milky white reticular structure of orange collaterals inside orange peel is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It has the functions of clearing throat, soothing liver, regulating qi, relieving cough, resolving phlegm and clearing fire, and can reduce the symptoms of eating oranges with fire.

    How much sugar orange is suitable for eating every day

    Shatang is sweet and fragrant, and the passage is fresh and delicious, so it is also loved by many groups from the elderly to children. The satan orange is relatively small, and many people will eat a lot at one time, but they are worried that the meeting will get angry if they eat too much. Compared with oranges, they are soft and easy to catch fire. Eating too much will cause blisters in the mouth, hard stool and other symptoms of catching fire. The sugar orange also belongs to orange fresh fruits, so it has the same characteristics. Eating more will cause the same symptoms of burning. It is generally recommended not to eat more than 10. Besides being delicious, sugar orange also contains vitamins. It is one of the best fresh fruits to supplement vitamins, and has a lot of glycogen and minerals. Therefore, its nutritional composition is obvious. Eating only sugar orange is also taboo. Don't eat more.

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