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What are the characteristics of Yixian brand Qin milk flow

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What are the characteristics of Yixian brand Qin milk flow


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  • 2023-11-14 19:00:14

    Yixian Brand Qinnailiu is not a traditional nurse, but a paladin.

    What's different is that Qin's milk amount is linked to the attack, which means that the higher Qin's attack, the more milk, so the attack is very important, but I still recommend a holy relic, with a wind wound, Because Qin's small skills are highly multiplied (it has a wonderful effect to suck up the little monster and play in the sky, and it can drop several weeks of blood at the level behind the abyss, because falling damage is a percentage of blood deduction, which can be said to be one of Qin's main means). Qin's great destined Qin is a role that can stand on the field. The more you play at the level behind the abyss, the more you can see the importance of Qin. You, Grandpa Lu, Ke Qing can't stand at all.

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