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Can I drink blood enriching porridge every day

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Can I drink blood enriching porridge every day


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  • 2024-05-26 04:00:00

    In recent years, the health care market has a bright future. The key overall goal of everyone before is how to eat well. Today's people are pursuing perfection, how to eat well and how to eat healthily. Everyone's concept of health preservation is getting stronger and stronger, and their daily life has not forgotten health preservation. Eating blood nourishing porridge is a kind of health preservation method, especially for women. Some people eat blood enriching porridge every day. They think that it can replenish blood gas. Is that really the case?

    If the intake is appropriate, you can eat it every day.

    Blood enriching porridge is also called old brown sugar millet red jujube porridge. The key foods are red dates, millet, old brown sugar, etc. Its key functions include: it is suitable for the pale face caused by deficiency of both qi and blood, and can also remove the black spots and dark circles of the eyes. It also has the effects of tonifying qi and blood, strengthening spleen and stomach, calming the mind, relieving pain, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

    Food Details

    1 Chuanxiong

    Ligusticum chuanxiong belongs to the liver, heart, spleen and small intestine meridians. According to long-term clinical medical observation, traditional Chinese medicine has long established its key roles in tonifying blood, invigorating qi, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, and promoting digestion. As often said in the Hundred Kinds of Materia Medica of the Qing Dynasty, "Chuanxiong is an essential medicine for blood...... It is actually the essence of tonifying qi and blood." If used separately, angelica is good at tonifying blood and qi, moistening intestines and relieving constipation, and angelica tail is good at promoting blood circulation and relieving pain.

    2 Black sesame powder

    There is a very simple trick. The grayish black and bright red ingredients have the effect of enriching blood and qi. Black food enters the kidney, which helps the kidney store essence and absorb qi. The kidney stores essence, essence generates marrow, and marrow turns into blood. Therefore, the root of blood also depends on the kidney. For red food to enrich blood and qi, the basic theory is derived from "shape complements shape, color complements eyebrow".

    White sesame enters the liver, kidney, lung and spleen meridians, and has the function of enriching blood, qi and eyes, producing skilled milk, benefiting liver, hair and hair. Taking white sesame can promote the function of kidney generating blood, liver storing blood and spleen regulating blood.

    3 Mulberry

    Dried Mulberry is the most colorful fresh fruit and product containing pure natural iron at this stage, with 42.5mg copper per 100g, which is worthy of the title of "blood and qi tonifying fruit" in fresh fruit. It is generally recommended to drink mulberry tea instead of tea. Taking a bowl of mulberry tea every day can not only replenish blood and qi, but also beautify and protect skin, but pregnant women should use it carefully.

    4 Dry longan

    This kind of food can be said to be very well-known in folk customs. It is certainly the best choice for general families to enrich blood and qi. It has rich iron. It is suggested to use mulberries and dried longans as traditional Chinese medicine prescription tea such as Morin tea, which can be replaced by tea therapy. It has a very good conditioning effect on kidney deficiency, memory decline, heart palpitations, neurasthenia and insomnia. In addition, it also contains many rich and colorful vitamins D, b, glucose, soft white sugar, etc.

    5 lotus root

    Lotus root is soft, fresh lotus root can activate blood, and cooked lotus root can enrich blood and qi. Lotus root, eaten raw, can clear heat, cool blood, promote blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis. Cooked lotus root can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and nourish blood. Patients with oral and nasal bleeding can take fresh lotus root juice in an emergency, which has the effect of quickly activating blood circulation. It is beneficial for women to eat more lotus root, but it is not suitable for women to eat raw lotus root during menarche and those with body cold and menstrual pain. It is not suitable for diabetics to eat lotus root or lotus root powder cooked.

    6 Dried purple blueberry

    Purple grape is a very good blood tonic fruit. After drying the red peel, the copper content per 100g is 9.1 mg. Moreover, during the whole process of drying, the red grape extract has preserved the grapes to the maximum extent (the nutrient composition of grapes is far higher than that of melon pulp), and is also beneficial to the preservation of some stable nutrients in the dried blueberries, such as iron, zinc, manganese, protein, antioxidant substances, etc.

    7 Black jujube

    Dry jujube is more favored by black jujube and small jujube. Their copper content per 100g is between 3.7-3.9mg, which is also considered as the top grade of blood tonic food. Dry jujube also contains rich and colorful vitamin C. Vitamin C is the key factor to promote the digestion and absorption of ferrous ions, so that the body can consume and absorb iron with half the effort. However, dried jujube has rich and colorful dietary fiber, which is difficult to digest and absorb. Therefore, it is not suitable to eat more every day, and it is best to cook soup and porridge.

    8 Black bone chicken

    Black bone chicken can promote blood circulation, clear liver, fire and kidney, prevent aging, and strengthen bone and tendons. It also has a very good improvement effect against irregular menstruation and iron deficiency anemia of women.

    9 Broccoli

    Broccoli contains rich and colorful iron, but some authoritative experts think that the iron in broccoli is not easy to be digested and absorbed by the body. The blood and qi tonifying effect of broccoli has a rich and colorful correlation between Hu Luo L and vitamin C. It can cure night blindness, adjust various functions of somatic cells, and is beneficial to various urinary diseases. Vitamin is an oxidant, which can restore the trivalent iron of the body to divalent iron, which is convenient for digestion and absorption of the body. It has certain recuperation effect on anemia.

    10 Protein food

    Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spring is the most suitable season to protect the liver. At this time, it is difficult to take more care of your complexion. Protein food with rich and colorful iron is one of the most ideal blood tonic food. It can be stewed in soy sauce, fried in oil, or boiled in soup. It is recommended to match with melons, fruits, and vegetables. Young women can eat 2-3 times a week, 10-30g each time. Women over 50 years old should eat less. [1]

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