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Which street does Nanjing Andemen Street belong to

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Which street does Nanjing Andemen Street belong to


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  • 2023-08-24 06:00:00

    It belongs to Saihongqiao Street, Yuhuatai District

    Andemen Community: It was merged from the original industrial and agricultural community and Andemen Community in April 2003. It starts from Dengfu Mountain in the east, ends at the provincial pressure vessel factory in the south, ends at Nanhe along Fengtai South Road in the west, and ends at Yuhua South Road in the north, with a total area of about 1.78 square kilometers. Andemen Station of Metro Line 1 is located in the center of the community, where Yuhua West Road, Yuhua South Road, Fengtai South Road and Andemen Street run through. There are 21 residential areas with 2229 households and 5572 permanent residents. There are many units in the area, such as Jiangsu Police College, China Secondary Vocational School, Nanjing Police Dog Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, Jiangsu Installation Company, Jiangsu Geological Survey Institute, Wangu Science and Technology Industrial Park, and scenic spots such as Deng Yu Tomb and Juhuatai Park. The office address of the community is 51 Yuhua South Road.

    Which street does Nanjing Andemen Street belong to

    Andemen Street belongs to Saihongqiao Street, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province.

    The total length of Andemen Street is 3.07 km, starting from the south ramp of the iron core bridge of the ring road in the south and connecting with Yuhua West Road in the north. The original road with a width of 33 meters was widened and reconstructed by Yuhuatai District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau from April 9, 2014, with a construction investment of 110 million yuan. After reconstruction, the section from Andemen Metro Station to Software Avenue is widened to 45m [3], and the section from two-way six lane Software Avenue to the south ramp of the ring road is widened to 52m, with eight lanes in both directions and a design speed of 50km/h. [2] A new 3m wide median, a 2m wide side divider and a harbor type traffic facility were built to separate the motorway from the non motorway, and the sidewalk was widened to 3.5m. For road greening, a total of 2167 trees and shrubs of 26 kinds were planted, including camphor, osmanthus, cherry blossom, crape myrtle, and begonia, with a survival rate of more than 95%.


    2023-08-24 06:00:00

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