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How many pigeon eggs can be eaten a day

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How many pigeon eggs can be eaten a day


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    We all know that all kinds of egg food have more protein, which is helpful to supplement nutrients, promote bone growth, and supplement kinetic energy. They are indispensable ingredients for daily life. The pigeon eggs are not included. They are delicious and nutritious. Everyone likes them very much. However, we all know the truth that too much is too little, so everything always has a certain amount. It is appropriate to eat many pigeon eggs a day. Is it effective for physical and mental health?

    1 Dove eggs can be eaten many times a day

    Three to six are recommended.

    The pigeon egg is a little bigger than the egg, but smaller than the raw egg. The calcium and copper elements contained in the pigeon egg are higher than the raw egg, basically 2.5 times higher than the raw egg, but the protein and fat rates are slightly lower than the raw egg. On the whole, the nutrient composition is not different from the raw egg. Generally, three pigeon eggs are equal to one egg, Therefore, it is recommended to take 3-6 pills a day to supplement the nutritional requirements of the day. It is not beneficial to eat more.

    2. How to eat pigeon eggs with the most nutritious ingredients

    Pigeon Eggs with Scallion

    Raw materials: pigeon eggs, chives, edible oil, rice wine and salt.


    1. Put the fresh pigeon eggs into a bowl, add some salt and chopped green onion, and stir to reserve.

    2. Boil oil out of the pan, pour pigeon eggs in gradually, spread them into a circular egg cake, fry them until they are orange on both sides, pour in proper rice wine, and slice them when taking them.

    Sea cucumber pigeon eggs

    Food: sea cucumber, pigeon eggs, medlar, chicken bone soup, sauce mix, ginger and garlic, a small amount of salt, rice wine, soy sauce, white pepper.

    1. Clean the pigeon eggs, cook them in the pot immediately, and remove the shell to reserve.

    2. Paste pigeon eggs with dry starch later.

    3. Heat the pan, pour in proper oil, fry until yellow, and then cool to dry.

    4. Boil the oil again and stir the ginger and garlic.

    5. Pour in chicken bone soup, boil, remove ginger and garlic.

    6. Wash the intestines of the well distributed sea cucumbers by hand, blanch them with bone soup, and remove them. Put the sea cucumbers into the chicken bone soup, add a small amount of rice wine, soy sauce, and white pepper, and simmer for about 40 minutes.

    7. Put in medlar and pigeon eggs and simmer for 10 minutes.

    8. Take the white rice, surround the sea cucumber pigeon eggs around them, put some watery broccoli, thicken the sauce and starch in the pot, and pour them on the sea cucumber pigeon eggs and white rice.

    Pickled pigeon eggs

    Food: pigeon eggs, salt.

    1. Clean the pigeon eggs, pour 200ml of water and 15g of salt and marinate them overnight.

    2. In the future, clean the pickled pigeon eggs and put them into the plate for reservation.

    3. Put proper water into the pot, turn on the fire, and open the water to the outside, put pigeon eggs into the pot, and boil them with water.

    4. It takes about 10 minutes to steam.

    Pigeon egg soup with mushroom

    Raw materials: fresh mushrooms, pigeon eggs, green peas, shallots, ginger, salt, animal oil, white pepper are appropriate.


    1. Clean the mushroom and soak it for a while.

    2. Boil the oil out of the pot, saute the onion, ginger and animal oil, put green peas in, boil the boiling water and pour them into the pot.

    3. Put pigeon eggs into a bowl without stirring, then put them into the water and boil until they are cooked soon, remove them and put them into the hot pot, sprinkle with white pepper.

    4. Add flavor to the egg soup in the hot pot. After the soup is boiled, remove the white foam and pour it into the soup basin.

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