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Drugs for pancreatitis

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Drugs for pancreatitis


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  • 2024-05-25 11:00:00

    Pancreatitis is a more common disease among many diseases, which can also be divided into subacute and diffuse. If you suffer from this disease, you should also treat it symptomatically. Chronic pancreatitis is very easy to happen frequently. Every time it happens, you need to avoid food and take some drops in hospital. What are the drugs for treating pancreatitis? Let's take a look at all the therapeutic drugs that can cure pancreatitis.

    What are the drugs for treating pancreatitis?

    The traditional Chinese medicine prescription for chronic pancreatitis can try Yinshanlian granules. Yinshanlian particles. Main ingredients: Artemisia, Scutellaria barbata, Schisandra chinensis, Gardenia jasminoides, liquorice, Banlangen granules, etc. The product is grayish brown, dark brown to dark brown, cylindrical or irregular particles, slightly bitter and slightly sweet in taste. Therapeutic effect: clearing away heat, removing fire, clearing away heat and promoting dampness. It is used for pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis B, and patients with cold dampness and toxin accumulation. Usage: Take it with boiled water. 3-9g once, twice a day.

    In addition, the website editor suggested that in addition to active treatment, people with pancreatitis also need to pay more attention at ordinary times. Suggestions and diet should pay attention to low calorie diet, such as egg yolk, white meat, animal viscera, etc., which is not suitable for eating ingredients that are prone to flatulence, such as fried soybeans, cowpeas, lentils, and sweet potatoes. Drinking is taboo. You should eat food ingredients containing nutrients, such as fish, pig lean meat, protein, water tofu, rice, noodles and other carbohydrate compounds, as well as fresh fruits. Fresh fruits can choose peaches, bananas, apples and other fresh fruits without strange taste. Don't be addicted to alcohol. Drink properly. Don't eat too much. Don't eat too greasy. Pay more attention in the evening. People with chronic pancreatitis can't do that. And even if they usually eat four to six meals a day, the amount of each meal is small. Stop feeling greasy, quit smoking and drinking.

    What's the medicine for pancreatitis? The above shows that we firmly believe that everyone has mastered the medicine for curing pancreatitis, and we also understand the general truth that the disease is not terrible, and we must have confidence to defeat the disease.


    2024-05-25 11:00:00

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