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What are the benefits of drinking pepper water often

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What are the benefits of drinking pepper water often


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In the summer, the high temperature in China's provinces continued. Under the hot temperature of more than 30 degrees, every household turned on the central air conditioner one after another. A friend said jokingly that "the central air conditioner saved his life"! But the long-term blowing of air conditioner cool air will come to you. At the moment, it can be handled by soaking the food pepper in water in the kitchen.

    In the eyes of most people, Ma Jiao is just a general condiment. People in western regions like Sichuan, Chongqing and other places like to eat spicy food, and Ma Jiao is unavoidable among them. But pepper is also a key Chinese herbal medicine, which has been mentioned in many ancient medical books.

    So it is a good health secret to use pepper to soak in water. The senior nutritionist in the classroom teaching of explosive nutrients below will give you a detailed introduction. What benefits does it bring to your body to drink pepper to soak in water?

    1. Often use pepper to soak in water to drink: remove the cold air

    Ma Jiao likes sunny, warm and fertile areas. In summer, we stay in a central air-conditioned room for a long time, so the cool air and moisture in our bodies may invade our bodies. At the moment, pepper soaked in water can help us to dispel the dampness and cold in the viscera, especially in the group with rheumatism and asthenic cold, which can have a very good effect of reducing.

    2. Often use pepper to soak in water: improve the symptoms of runny nose

    In summer, many people catch a cold due to the careless wind and cold when blowing the central air conditioner, so they are very likely to have a runny nose. In traditional Chinese medicine, the lung is opened to the nose. In other words, pepper can help us to improve the symptoms such as runny nose on the basis of moistening the lungs.

    3. Often use pepper to soak in water: relieve toothache

    Many people suffer from tooth disease, which is a kind of penetrating toothache. It's really painful. Why not drink some ginger water now. The volatile oil and aromatic compounds in ginger water can resist various bacteria and fungi from infecting the human body. It has bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects, which makes toothache no longer.

    4. Often use pepper to soak in water: cure hemorrhoids

    Pepper can expand the blood vessels around the anus, resist bacteria, and has the effect of anesthesia and pain relief on some parts. It can promote the blood circulation system of the wound, remove inflammatory mediators, so it can alleviate the pain of patients. Steam the area where hemorrhoids occur at the anus with boiling ginger water. Pay attention to the time and distance without scalding.

    5. Often use pepper to soak in water to drink: help liver detoxification

    Authoritative experts have done many experiments with experimental rats, and found that after injecting the extract of pepper into the body of experimental rats, it can promote the intestinal peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, improve the efficiency of digestion and absorption, also help to dissolve food materials, improve the efficiency of basic metabolism, and quickly discharge unnecessary toxic substances from the body, which has the effect of catharsis.

    Therefore, ginger water can also relieve constipation in a certain range. Although this kind of effect is relatively slow, it is good for a long time.

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