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The color and efficacy of wild lycium barbarum soaked in water

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The color and efficacy of wild lycium barbarum soaked in water


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  • 2024-05-26 07:00:00

    At present, there are many stores selling Chinese wolfberries on the market. Most of them claim that their Chinese wolfberries are natural, but this is not the case. For customers, it is very easy to be deceived in that situation, because they can not properly identify that it is a real wild medlar. Today I also come to teach you how to distinguish wild medlar.

    How to eat wild lycium barbarum: make tea, take 16-20 lycium barbarum, and use 200ml 80 ℃ boiling water to brew it. It can be mixed 5-6 times. The first time, the solution is purplish purple (it feels like royal blue purple, gradually feels like blue ink, and is afraid to drink it for the first time). After repeated mixing, the color gradually fades. Note name: The ingredients in wild wolfberry are very easy to dissolve in water. When it is first mixed, the water color is very dark, not easy to be light blue purple. The taste is like a miniature purple grape, but after the passage, it is undoubtedly very soft, not as hard as purple grapes.

    Efficacy of wolfberry:

    1. Nourishing and health preserving soft gold: wild lycium barbarum is a kind of lycium barbarum. It grows and develops in the desert area of Qaidam Basin at an altitude of 2800-3000 meters, which is very precious and scarce, so many people really don't know it. Wild wolfberry can nourish the kidney and essence, nourish the liver and eyesight, nourish the blood and qi, calm the nerves and help sleep, cure kidney yang deficiency, and make the legs weak and waist weak. Its actual effect of nourishing and health preservation is far more than that of bright red medlar, which is called "soft gold for nourishing and health preservation".

    2. Scavenging oxygen free radicals: The big difference between wild Lycium barbarum and red Lycium barbarum is that wild Lycium barbarum contains a lot of procyanidins, which is a pure natural wild animal and plant with the largest content of procyanidins OPC found so far. Procyanidin OPC is the most effective pure natural water soluble oxygen free radical remover, its effect is 20 times of Vc and 50 times of VE. Anthocyanosides in wild Lycium barbarum L. can reduce cholesterol and prevent tumor cells from spreading out successfully. By taking this opportunity, a large number of healthy somatic cells can be protected from being corroded by tumor cells. It seems that the pathogenesis of breast cancer is like this, so taking procyanidins will have a very good inhibitory effect on the development trend of breast cancer.

    3. Oral skin care products: Procyanidins are called "oral skin care products" in Europe, which can avoid the transformation of facial wrinkles in advance, and are the most effective antioxidant substances in nature at this stage. It can not only avoid the transformation of facial wrinkles in advance, but also supplement nutrients and eliminate harmful oxygen free radicals.

    4. Procyanidins are powerful antioxidants, which can keep all normal somatic cells connected, blood vessels stable, improve the circulation system of small blood vessels, and enhance the fluidity of capillaries and veins. It can reasonably inhibit the fruit enzyme that destroys the peripheral somatic cells of the eye, prevent moderate and severe myopia and retinal detachment, and improve the visual acuity of the eye. The clinical medical report of medicine shows that procyanidins in wild Lycium barbarum can promote the transformation of rhodopsin in the eye fundus macular body cells, which also shows why procyanidins are beneficial to the physical and mental health of both eyes. Anthocyanin can improve the eye vision under the effect of dim light; This is helpful for drivers at night and those who stare at the display screen for a long time.

    Today, I taught you how to distinguish wild medlar. Have you learned it well? If you learn this kind of method well, you can properly recognize the real wild lycium barbarum. You should be able to help the basin friends around you identify how to prevent their own basin friends from being deceived by unscrupulous businesses again. We should protect our own consumption interests. Therefore, you must remember today.


    2024-05-26 07:00:00

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