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Efficacy and Function of Little Green Orange Pu'er Tea

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Efficacy and Function of Little Green Orange Pu'er Tea


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  • 2024-05-26 09:01:47

    Citrus Pucha Xiaoqing is a kind of milk tea with relatively high efficacy and effect. This kind of milk tea can reduce blood fat, lose weight, beautify and maintain face, clean the mouth and nourish the liver and protect the liver. Therefore, we eat citrus Pucha Xiaoqing after dinner, which is beneficial to gastrointestinal peristalsis, can promote the circulation of blood products and alleviate fatigue, and can let wage earners enhance their vitality to work. We can master the content of the article in terms of the role and efficacy of citrus tea and small green citrus.

    How to brew Pu'er tea

    What are the benefits of drinking citrus tea and small green citrus, and what are the functions and effects of citrus tea?

    First, reduce blood fat, lose weight, and maintain beauty. Guanpu tea, which is made of natural Poria cocos and Chenyun small green citrus, has been transformed into new compounds through the whole process of extraordinary mellowing. Some of them contain lipase with fat burning fruit enzyme, which can decompose human body fat and expel human body fat and endotoxin. Xiaoya Gan can also adjust basic metabolism, promote smooth blood flow, and naturally balance body functions, so it has the practical effect of beauty and skin care. It is called "beauty tea" abroad.

    Second, strengthen teeth and protect teeth, and clean the mouth. Xiaoyagan is a fully fermented tea with many physiological specific ingredients. It has the function of sterilization, so it can remove the odor in the mouth and protect the teeth. In 2020, the weather across the country will be very hot. Under working conditions, people will be angry and have a heavy breath. Drinking some green candies in moderation can achieve the actual effect of refreshing the oral cavity, which is much better than eating bubble gum.

    Third, nourishing the liver, protecting the liver, strengthening the body and keeping healthy. Good liver, good body shape. The liver is the source of physical and mental health. At the appropriate concentration, the consumption of Xiaoya Gan does not cause irritation to the stomach and intestines. Xiaoya Gan has a thick, sweet, and mellow soup. When it enters the body and intestines, it produces a membrane that adheres to the stomach surface, which creates a thickness of protective layer for the stomach. Long term consumption of Xiaoya Gan tea can dredge blood vessels and help the stomach digest and absorb, To reduce the pressure of body detoxification of liver, male tea drinkers should drink more Xiaoya Gan.

    Fourth, wake up, delay aging, slow down skin aging, everyone is looking forward to youth, health is the human pursuit of perfection, small Yagan, containing vitamin C, vitamin E, theanine, carbohydrates and nutrients, can supplement the lack of nutrients in tissues and cells, with antioxidant effect, anti-aging and other functions, Therefore, Little Yagan is also called "longevity tea".

    Fifth, it is proved by medical evidence that Xiaoya Gan contains theanine, which can promote the metabolism of alcohol and make it work normally and smoothly. Drinking small Yagan can improve vasoconstriction, promote ethanol to be discharged from the body quickly, and reduce the damage caused by drunkenness. Drinking Xiaoya Gan can also supplement vitamin C required by ethanol hydrolysis reaction and stimulate the brain nerve center of people who are anesthetized by ethanol. Therefore, it has the effect of sobering up.

    Sixth, it can inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells. The citrus tea belongs to the immature fruit of Xinhui tea twig citrus. The outer belt contains polymethoxyflavones, which can inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells, such as bone marrow tumor cells, lymph cancer cells, ovarian cancer cells, prostate cancer cells and flat tumor cells, This flavonoid works by changing the cytoplasm and enzymes of tumor cells and their data signal transmission system to affect their DNA replication and protein synthesis.

    Seventh, the essential oil for reducing bronchitis and bronchial asthma is also an ingredient of citrus tea, which can relax the smooth muscle of bronchitis, close blood vessels, pressurize blood vessels, raise blood pressure and stimulate nerve centers, and can be used to reduce bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

    Eighth, antifungal drugs, antiviral treatment, promote the basic metabolism effect. The role of citrus tea contains hesperidin, and hesperidin has antifungal drug effect. It can inhibit the proliferation of sub tumor cells outside the body, and can inhibit the release of nitrosamines from metabasophilic cells. It can also inhibit the contraction of smooth muscle. Citrus green plants widely contain limonin, and the composition of citrus is even more important, which has antiviral therapeutic effect and other favorable biological activities.

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