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What are the taboos of eating silkworm pupae?

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What are the taboos of eating silkworm pupae?


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:16

    Nowadays, the sales volume of silkworm chrysalis continues to rise from beginning to end, whether in large and medium-sized hotel restaurants or ordinary restaurants. After all, this is an era of scientific diet. Therefore, silkworm chrysalis, a kind of special food with high nutritional content, is undoubtedly popular. However, some authoritative experts think that although the silkworm chrysalis is delicious, it also has sufficient nutrients, but there are also some taboos in the diet. For example, eating silkworm chrysalis raw or eating silkworm chrysalis with cold dishes is a must, which will cause great harm.

    Food taboos of silkworm pupae

    1. Silkworm pupae that have not gone through production and processing cannot be eaten, nor can they be eaten raw or mixed with cold dishes immediately.

    2. Silkworm pupae that are not fresh, discolored and black, light pink, tingly or spicy cannot be taken.

    3. Silkworm chrysalis has a foul smell, which cannot be taken.

    4. Silkworm pupae that are more than one week in winter and more than 20 hours in summer cannot be eaten.

    5. People with high sensitive constitution of fish, shrimp and other food materials cannot take it.

    Efficacy and function of silkworm chrysalis

    1. Insect disinfestation and malnutrition treatment

    Silkworm pupa, sweet taste; Salty; Sexual temperature. Returning to the spleen; Liver gallbladder channel. Disinfestation and treatment of malnutrition; Produce fluid and quench thirst. Dominant tuberculosis; Infantile malnutrition; Fever; Ascariasis; assuage thirst.

    2. Regulate metabolism

    Pharmacological research shows that silkworm pupae can regulate the decomposition of sugar and fat in the body to a certain extent. The white muscardine silkworm pupa oil has the effect of reducing blood fat; Pills made of purified silkworm pupa oil are used to treat hypercholesterolemia, which has obvious effects on reducing cholesterol and improving liver function inspection. Taking silkworm chrysalis properly has a good auxiliary therapeutic effect on patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, chronic hepatitis and malnutrition. In addition, the silkworm chrysalis contains a broad-spectrum immune substance, which has a unique effect on cancer. It is reported that Japan and other countries have already produced α - interferon suppository from silkworm pupae, which is used in clinical medicine to prevent and treat cancer.

    3. Three high prevention

    Silkworm chrysalis oil has certain practical effects on hypertension, fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, etc. White muscardine silkworm cures children's convulsion, crying at night, and pinching the mouth with convulsive wind. In the evening, liquor soaked with silkworm excrement can calm the wind and remove stubborn arthralgia. Cocoon can quench thirst, promote blood circulation and cure epistaxis.


    2024-05-26 13:00:16

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