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Can I use a refreshing pad during pregnancy

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Can I use a refreshing pad during pregnancy


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  • 2024-02-23 10:00:00

    During pregnancy, women will basically not come to their regular holidays, nor will there be bleeding. However, in case of emergency, some pregnant women will still put on a cushion. However, many women have their own views on the type of cushion. So, can you use a clean cushion during pregnancy? How to use sanitary pads during pregnancy?

    Can you use refreshing pads during pregnancy?

    It is better not to use refreshing pads when pregnant, because most pads have a layer of plastic at the bottom, which has poor air permeability, and it is easy to cause vaginal dampness, sweating, and breeding of pathogenic bacteria. Long term failure to replace the sanitary pad will greatly increase the local humidity and temperature, especially in hot and humid climates. This will not only create suitable conditions for the growth of bacteria and fungi, but also destroy the pH of the vagina, reduce the role of local protective barriers, and cause vaginitis.

    How do pregnant women use sanitary pads?

    1. Pregnant women should not use the sanitary pad, but some people think it is very convenient to use the sanitary pad and have been used to this life. So the doctor suggests that if you must use the sanitary pad, you can replace it more frequently to ensure that the sanitary pad is clean and hygienic. Don't let too many vaginal secretions pollute the pad, causing bacteria to grow, Thus, the probability of pregnant women infected with vaginitis is increased. At the same time, you also need to clean your vagina every day to ensure that your vagina is clean and dry. In fact, it is unnecessary for pregnant women to use sanitary pads. If vaginal secretions increase, you can change your pants every day.

    2. It can be seen from the above introduction that pregnant women should not use sanitary pads, because the use of sanitary pads may lead to bacterial breeding in the vagina of pregnant women. In addition, the defense ability of pregnant women's vagina will decline at this time, which is more likely to infect vaginitis and affect the health of pregnant women's babies. Therefore, women should change their pants every day, Pay attention to pubic hygiene. It is better not to use sanitary pads.

    To some extent, the use of sanitary pads can reduce the possibility of other gynecological diseases for women. However, sanitary pads are prone to skin damage and folliculitis. Therefore, for your health, it is recommended not to use them after pregnancy. Now you should know the answer to the question "Can you use a refreshing pad during pregnancy?" I hope the above introduction can help you.

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