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How long can I drink soy milk

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How long can I drink soy milk


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  • 2024-05-25 13:01:52

    The bean paddles that can only be drunk in the breakfast shop before can also be dried at home by themselves. There are many processes and they take a long time. How can we make delicious and nutritious bean paddles at home? What should we pay attention to when cooking soybean milk? How long does it take to cook the bean paddle before you can drink it? How many nutrients do you know about the bean paddle? Let's have a look

    1、 How long does it take to cook the bean paddle? Nutrient composition of bean pulp should be mastered

    When the raw soymilk is heated to 80 ℃~90 ℃, there will be a lot of milky white foam plastic. Many people mistakenly believe that the soymilk paddle has already boiled, but in fact it is a "false boiling" condition, and the temperature at this time cannot damage the saponins in the soymilk paddle. The proper way to boil soybean milk is to heat it again for 3 to 5 minutes after the "false boiling" condition occurs, so that the foam completely disappears.

    To be on the safe side, some people boil the bean milk for many times. In this way, although the harmful substances in the bean milk are removed, it also leads to the outflow of nutrients. Therefore, the soybean milk should be cooked properly and the heating time should be controlled.

    2、 Frequently asked questions about pickled soybeans:

    1. Soaking soybeans for 12 hours at room temperature of 20-25 ℃ can make soybeans fully hygroscopic, and further increase of soaking time will not have a stronger practical effect.

    2. When the temperature is high in summer, soaking in the indoor temperature for 12 hours may cause the problem of excessive breeding of bacteria, which will make the taste of soybean paddles worse.

    Therefore, it is recommended to soak soybeans in the refrigerator. Soaking beans in a 4 ℃ refrigerator for 12 hours is roughly equivalent to the actual effect of soaking 8 hours of indoor temperature. If 18 hours is inconvenient for actual operation, you can soak soybeans in a refrigerator for 24 hours, which can achieve the best practical effect and is very convenient for actual operation.

    3、 Nutrient composition in bean pulp

    1. The bean pulp contains many vitamins. Among them, vitamin b22 is conducive to maintaining the physical and mental health of skin and hair, and vitamin E can promote basic metabolism and maintain skin nourishment.

    2. The soybean glycosides often contained in the bean paddles make the surface of the intestinal cavity smooth and smooth, and then have the effect of clearing the intestines, expelling toxins, and moistening the intestines.

    3. Soybean paddle contains soybean protein and soybean lecithin that can reduce and discharge cholesterol, so it can make the blood clear and maintain good metabolism.

    4. The protein often contained in bean paddles is a high thermoelectric effect and a warming nutrient element, which can reduce the ultra-low temperature and low metabolism caused by poor blood circulation system and insufficient muscles.

    5. Soybean paddles contain a lot of methyl cellulose, which can reasonably prevent the digestion and absorption of sugar, reduce sugar content, and thus avoid diabetes.

    6. The mineral elements magnesium and calcium often contained in bean paddles can significantly reduce blood sugar, improve brain blood, and then reasonably avoid cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage; Selenium, molybdenum, etc. have strong ability to suppress and treat cancer, and are very effective for gastric cancer, rectal cancer, and breast cancer.

    How long does it take to cook the bean paddle? The nutritional components of the bean paddles should be mastered. After reading the thorough literature, everyone has already known that the bean paddles need to be thoroughly boiled to remove the harmful substances in them. However, repeated cooking for many times can easily lead to the outflow of nutritional components. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the heating time. There are many flavors and nutritional components as well! Breakfast with bean paddles is a very good choice.

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