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What's the traditional way of making sweet potato

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What's the traditional way of making sweet potato


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Many people have eaten sweet potato in their daily life. The nutrient content of this special food is very high. It is also conducive to digestion and absorption, and can promote the blood gas repair of the body. Sweet potato is suitable for the elderly and children, and can also be used as a common snack. Because sweet potato is very suitable for invigorating the spleen, appetizing the stomach, and promoting the blood gas repair, But in the case of making sweet potato, pay attention to the whole process of preparation in advance and the spices added.

    Tangku Sweet Potato Slices

    raw material

    400g sweet potato, appropriate red powder, 10g ginger foam, 10g garlic paste, 10g green onion, 40g tomato sauce, 30g white vinegar, 15g white granulated sugar, 18g soy sauce, 1 teaspoon bean chilli


    1. Wash the sweet potato, control the moisture, cut it into strips with skin, dip it with a thin layer of red dye, and then screen out unnecessary red dye; Mix all condiments and reserve them.

    2. Heat a pot, and after the oil is boiled to 180 ℃, put the sweet potato strips in practice 1 into the pot, fry them higher than all colors, take them out, control them to dry, and put them into the plate for reservation.

    3. Heat another pot, add a proper amount of salad oil, put ginger foam and garlic puree into the pot to stir fry, and then add the seasoning of practice 1 into the pot to mix and boil evenly, and then add onion segments to stir fry slightly.

    4. Finally, pour the raw materials from Practice 3 into Practice 2.

    Old Brown Sugar Sweet Potato Rice Cake

    raw material

    2 jin sweet potato, 3 jin round glutinous rice, 100g salad oil, 750g old brown sugar, 300g granulated sugar, 3/2 cups water


    1. Peel and slice sweet potatoes, put them into a cage drawer, steam them in the fire for 30 minutes, and then grind them into a paste for reservation.

    2. Clean and control the dried rice, and put it into a pot covered with steamer cloth to steam for 40 minutes.

    3. Take a spicy dry pot, add salad oil, put in the seasoning, stir fry gently until thoroughly dissolved, add to boil, pour in the rice as described in method 2, stir well and then stop the fire.

    4. Take a solid model, first smear a layer of salad oil on the bottom, pave a layer of glutinous rice cake with a thickness of about 1cm and tighten it, evenly fill it with a layer of sweet potato stuffing, then pave the other half of glutinous rice cake and tighten it, and then cut it into small pieces with a circumference of 4cm. After cooling, it can be taken.

    Sweet potato syrup

    It is suitable for moistening the stomach and beautifying the face in four seasons.

    raw material

    1 sweet potato (sweet potato), 2 pieces of ginger, 10 dried red dates, 3 bowls of water (750Ml), old rock candy


    1. Peel the sweet potato and cut it into small pieces with a thickness of 3cm. Soak the jujube in warm water and clean it.

    2. When the fire boils the water in the boiling pot, turn it to a gentle fire, and put the sweet potato pieces, dried red dates and ginger slices into the boiling pot for 60 minutes.

    3. Add the old rock sugar and boil it slightly before taking it, and then dissolve it completely.


    The amount of old rock candy used depends on your taste. It is best to use simple block old rock candy.

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