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What are the four items in stewed duck soup

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What are the four items in stewed duck soup


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Siwu Tang is a more traditional prescription, which has a very good health care effect, and can give full play to the actual effect of health preserving medicinal diet. As early as in the Song Dynasty, there will be a significant record. The key of Siwu Tang is to refer to the four kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, namely, cooked ground, Chuanxiong, Chuanqiu and Chishao, which are produced in coordination with domestic ducks. It has a very good actual effect of regulating menstruation, supplementing blood and qi, and can give full play to the very good effect of relieving women's irregular menstruation pain. It has a very good dietotherapy effect.

    What are the four items in stewed duck soup

    Main materials: 750g old duck, 12g prepared ground, 10g Chuanxiong, 10g red peony root, 12g Qiang Huo Auxiliary materials: 3 pieces of ginger, a small amount of salt Process 1. Four Chinese medicinal materials of Chuanxiong, red peony root, prepared ground, and Qiang Huo are reserved. 2. Wash the old duck and cut a small piece. 3. Boil water in a pot and put ginger slices into it to make the duck drink. 4. Clean the boiled goose with cold water. 5. Put a certain amount of cold water in the stone pot, and put four Chinese medicinal herbs into it. (Chinese medicinal materials need to be added with cold water. The water needs to be filled up at one time and can't be poured in the middle, otherwise it will destroy the nutrients in the soup.) 6. Pour the goose into the stone pot, put two pieces of ginger, and a small amount of rice wine. 7. After the fire is boiled, the foam plastic of chow mein needs to be pressed out. 8. Turn the text into a hot pot for 2 hours. 9. After cooking, add a small amount of salt, and then take a bowl of nourishing soup that can replenish blood and qi, protect the liver, and replenish qi and blood.

    Method 2

    Main raw materials: Muscovy duck (600g), prepared ground (1 piece), Qiang live (8g), Chuanxiong (10g), red peony root (5g), ginger (4 pieces); Seasoning: table salt (appropriate). [1] Method 1: First, sit the stone pot upright and pour in cold water, then wash away the dust with tap water of traditional Chinese medicine and put it into a cotton bag and bind it; 2. Put the Chinese medicinal materials into the stone pot; 3. Put the duck in, bring it to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes at low heat; 4. Pour in proper salt before cooking. [1] Tips 1. Make sure to use cold water for stewing Chinese herbs; 2. The water should be filled up at one time. Do not put water in the middle, or it will destroy the nutrition in the soup; 3. There are too many traditional Chinese medicine materials, otherwise there will be bitter taste. To prevent affecting the taste, use small packaging bags to pack the traditional Chinese medicine materials and protect the meat. The bitter taste will not easily enter the goose directly.

    Siwu stewed duck is used to enrich blood and qi. The general public will think that Siwu soup is a traditional Chinese medicine only for women, but the objective fact is otherwise. It can be taken by women after menstruation, and most people can eat it. Only people with more sensitive stomach and intestines, people with fever, cold, acne, dry mouth and tongue, and people who sleep at night are not recommended to eat it. In particular, the composition of Siwu Tang does not contain female hormones, so boys can take Siwu Tang comfortably, which will not have a bad impact on physiology. For men with low hemoglobin, pale complexion, fatigue, white fingernails or the thenar part of the palm, they can take Siwu Tang once a day until the disease is significantly alleviated, Then change to taking food sometimes.

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