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Sweet potato vermicelli calories

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Heat of sweet potato vermicelli


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Many people like sweet potato fans very much, but now there are more and more people with obesity, which causes people to be very careful about their diet, and worry about some human fat deposition. So we care about the heat of sweet potato fans very much, but in fact, the heat content of sweet potato fans is extremely low, And eating more can also have a certain practical effect of cancer prevention.

    1. Sweet potato has cancer prevention effect

    The most cancer prevention nutritional elements in diet are β - carotene (precursor of vitamin D), vitamin C and folic acid tablets, which are very rich in sweet potato. A small sweet potato (about 2 pairs) can produce twice the amount of daily vitamin D required by the body, one-third of daily vitamin C required by the body and about 50mg of folic acid tablets; The content of dietary fiber is higher than that of a bowl of oatmeal porridge.

    The antioxidant effect of β - carotene and vitamin C is beneficial to resist the damage of oxidative stress to genetic information Dna (DNA), and play a certain role in cancer prevention.

    Eating sweet potatoes regularly is conducive to maintaining the normal level of folic acid tablets in the body. If the composition of folic acid tablets in the body is too low, it will increase the risk of cancer. The high content of dietary fiber in sweet potato has the effect of promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, preventing constipation and colorectal cancer.

    2. Sweet potato is good for heart

    Sweet potato contains potassium, β - carotene, folic acid tablets, vitamin C and vitamin b26, which are beneficial to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Potassium is conducive to the balance of tissue cell fluid and electrolyte, maintaining all normal blood pressure and heart function.

    β - carotene and vitamin C have the effect of resisting lipid air oxidation and preventing aortic atherosclerosis. Supplementing folic acid tablets and vitamin b26 is conducive to reducing the level of homocysteine in blood. The latter can damage blood vessels and is a separate risk source of cardiovascular disease.

    3. Sweet potato prevents emphysema

    A clinical experiment at the University of Kansas in England found that smoking rats had low vitamin D levels and were very prone to emphysema; The incidence of emphysema in smoking rats fed with vitamin D food was significantly reduced. The reason why some long-term smokers live to be over 90 years old without emphysema may be related to the rich and colorful vitamin D in their daily diet. Scientific research staff suggest that these smokers or passive smokers should eat some food containing vitamin D every day, such as sweet potatoes, to prevent emphysema.

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