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Is Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum a hair product? Can people who are easy to get angry eat it

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Is Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum a hair product? Can people who are easy to get angry eat it


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is a common food in daily life. It tastes very good when boiled or fried, so it is loved by people. However, spring is the season for making fire. Many people are afraid that chrysanthemum is the food for making things, so they dare not eat it. In fact, Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is not the food of Fawu. Let's have a detailed understanding below!

    Chrysanthemum is not hair.

    Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum (tonghao) is also called Penghao, Artemisia argyi stem. Because its flowers are like wild chrysanthemum, it is also called chrysanthemum flower. The stems and leaves of Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum can be eaten together. It is praised for its freshness, fragrance and crispness. Generally, it has all kinds of nutrients, especially the carotene content is 1.5~30 times that of cucumber and eggplant.

    Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum contains a special flavor of volatile oil, which helps to regulate qi, digestion and appetites, and increase appetite. The rich crude fiber can help the intestinal peristalsis, promote defecation, and achieve the purpose of purging the fu organs and benefiting the intestines. Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is rich in vitamins, carotene and various amino acids, and has a fragrant smell. It can calm the mind, stabilize the mood, reduce blood pressure and brain, and prevent memory loss. Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum contains a variety of amino acids, fats, proteins and a high amount of sodium, potassium and other mineral salts, which can regulate the metabolism of water in the body, facilitate urination, and eliminate edema.

    Ordinary people can eat it. Because it has the effect of relieving constipation, diarrhea patients should try to eat less.

    After reading the above article, I believe that everyone has a better understanding of the question of whether chrysanthemum is hair, right? Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is a plant with extremely rich nutritional value, which is loved by more and more people. Everyone should be careful to eat hair now. If hair is not careful, it will cause some diseases and serious consequences. It is unimaginable.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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