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What is the fastest way to peel raw mung beans?

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What is the fastest way to peel raw mung beans?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Mung bean, also known as green adzuki bean, is a very common food in the market. Especially in summer, it is very easy to be dry and irritable, and it is easy to get angry. The role of mung beans in detoxification is also loved by everyone, who likes to buy mung beans and go home to cook mung bean porridge. However, the skin on the surface of mung beans is really something that many people do not like to eat, and they are afraid that they will not digest if they eat too much. So, how can we quickly remove the raw mung bean skin? Take a look at the following tips!

    Tips for peeling mung beans

    Those who like mung beans know that mung beans are hard to cook, and it takes a long time to "take off the coat" for mung beans. Today, we share many tips to quickly peel and sand mung beans.

    1. Soaking method is the most common method. Soak in cold water for 3-5 hours and then cook. It will rot quickly;

    2. In the processing method, put the mung beans into the pot and dry fry them. After 10 minutes of slow fire, the skin of the mung beans can be slightly burnt. When eating, it is convenient and convenient to take them out and boil them, and it is very easy to peel and sand them;

    3. The freezing method: put the mung beans into the refrigerator to freeze for more than 4 hours, and then cook them when they are eaten, which is very easy to bloom;

    4. Cold water method: add a bowl of cold water after the unresolved mungbean is put into the pot to boil, and the mungbean stirred by the cold water is easier to stew.

    Benefits of mung beans

    1. Rich nutrition: Mung beans often contain protein. Unsaturated fatty acids can stimulate nerves and improve appetite, which is essential for many key visceral organs of the body to improve nutrition;

    2. Maintenance of heart and brain blood vessels: The sugar content of mung bean can improve the activity of blood cell protease, so that the triglyceride hydrolysis reaction in protein can reduce blood lipids, thus preventing coronary heart disease and angina pectoris;

    3. Reduce cholesterol: Mung beans contain a kind of blood protein and sugar content, which can promote the conversion of cholesterol in small animals into bile acid in the liver, speed up the metabolism of bile salts in bile and reduce the digestion and absorption of cholesterol by the colon;

    4. Cure urticaria: According to clinical trials, the ingredients of mung bean have anti allergic effects and can cure urticaria and other diseases;

    5. Anti inflammation: mung bean has inhibitory effect on staphylococcus and some virus infections, which can clear away heat and eliminate fire;

    6. Kidney maintenance: Mung beans contain rich and colorful protease retarders, which can protect the liver, reduce protein dissolution, and then maintain kidney function.

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