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What kind of creatures are there in Antarctica

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What kind of creatures are there in Antarctica


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  • 2023-11-14 13:00:06

    The creatures living in Antarctica are: penguins (Adele penguins), seals (Weddell seals), sea lions, some Harpacticus furcatus (scientific name is this, but I don't know what the Chinese name is), small krill, dolphins and small minke whales, giant humpback whales (aquatic animals, in the sea around the Antarctic continent) My tutor also lived in Antarctica for three months in 2012. He found Chironomidae chironomid in Antarctica. There are also various primitive animals in the sea near the Antarctic continent, such as flagellates and ciliates.

    What kind of creatures are there in Antarctica

    The living Antarctic creatures include emperor penguin, leopard seal, Antarctic krill, Antarctic wolf, killer whale, Antarctic skua, Antarctic giant worm, wandering albatross, hooded penguin, sea lion, dark spotted dolphin, sea lion

    What kind of creatures are there in Antarctica

    The Antarctic is too cold, so there are few kinds of plants. Moss, algae, lichen, etc. Animals are mainly cold resistant. Penguins are the most representative. Seals, sea lions, dolphins, and other relatively large mammals. There are many fish.


    2023-11-14 13:00:06

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