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Why Honda antifreeze can be used for ten years

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Why Honda antifreeze can be used for ten years


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  • 2023-11-15 21:00:14

    Because the antifreeze of the original vehicle is generally long-acting antifreeze, it is recommended to replace the antifreeze at sunrise every 96 months or 150000 km, while Honda recommends replacing it every 10 years or 200000 km.

    Although the antifreeze is replaced every 8 or 10 years, it cannot be guaranteed that the car will be hit or the engine cooling system will fail before 8 or 10 years. When the car is hit by the water tank, the antifreeze in the water tank flows out. At this time, the antifreeze must also be replaced.

    When the car's cooling system has problems, such as water leakage of the engine water pump, high temperature of the cooling system, thermostat failure, water leakage of the water pipe and water tank, etc. The cooling system needs to be repaired. At this time, the antifreeze needs to be replaced.


    2023-11-15 21:00:14

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