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Methods of Guangdong Cabbage Heart

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Methods of Guangdong Cabbage Heart


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    The dishes in many regions are very special, and the students like it very much. Next, we will introduce the complete collection of Guangdong Cuisine, which is not only very different in taste, but also very delicious. Next, we will introduce the practices of Guangdong Cuisine to everyone?

    Method 1?

    Food preparation in advance

    Raw materials: Guangdong vegetable heart, 1~2 peppers (for decoration design), onion.

    Seasonings: edible blended oil, sesame oil 1 1/2 frying spoon, Maggi delicious juice 1 frying spoon, 1/4 cup of big bone soup, sauce mix

    Small amount of salt and monosodium glutamate.

    Manufacturing process

    1. Boil half a pot of water, add a small amount of salt and oil, and blanch the cabbage for 1 minute;

    2. Stack the blanched cabbage in a plate, cut the pepper and onion into strips for use;

    3. Put oil in the pot and bring it to a boil. Add proper sesame oil and Maggi flavor juice, add shredded pepper and big bone soup, and boil until slightly boiled. Add a small amount of sauce;

    4. Stack shredded peppers and scallions in the center of the dish, and pour the sauce in the center of the dish. [1]

    Method 2?

    Food preparation in advance

    300g Guangdong vegetable heart, 2-3 garlic cloves, 1 and a half teaspoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, proper salt, proper oil.

    Manufacturing process

    1. Chop off the old roots and yellow leaves of Guangdong vegetable and clean them up. Crush garlic, sesame oil, half a bowl of cold water, soy sauce and salt

    Make it into fragrant oil sauce. Introduce cold water into the pot, pour in oil and salt and boil;

    2. First put the root end of the cabbage into the boiling water, and then put all the cabbage into the water to burn for 1 minute after the root end becomes more and more dark green. Throw away the water to burn the cabbage, and then pour the sesame oil juice into the pot to boil again, pour the garlic puree into the pot to boil again, turn off the fire, and pour the sesame oil juice into the cabbage.

    In this article, we learned about the practice of Guangdong Cuisine. In daily life, kids who like to eat can come to learn and train. It is not only because their relatives or kids make delicious food, but also because they can experience learning and training.

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