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What is the reason for the poor network speed

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What is the reason for the poor network speed


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  • 2023-11-14 20:00:00

    1 Electromagnetic interference

    Computers, "cats" and other terminals are close to microwave ovens, cordless phones and other household appliances that are prone to electromagnetic interference, causing interference.

    2 "Grab the net"

    After installing the wireless router, if the password is not set, other users may "scratch the network", which will also cause the network speed to decline.

    3. Internet habits

    Users who use multiple applications at the same time, download multiple files at the same time, visit multiple websites at the same time, or open multiple pages at the same time have an impact on the Internet speed.

    4. Access mode and access bandwidth

    The access mode and bandwidth selected by the user should match the frequently used business applications. If users often use high rate services, but the selected access bandwidth is low, the perception rate will also be affected. (See Part I for the corresponding relationship between application type, required bandwidth and access mode)

    5. The number of users visiting the website has soared

    At the same time, the number of users visiting a website will surge, and the speed of the users visiting the website will become slower, and the website may also be paralyzed.

    6. Internet access during peak hours

    During peak hours, the number of Internet users increases, the occupation of the entire network resources increases, the network bottlenecks increase, and the network speed will also slow down.

    7. System configuration of website

    The parallel processing capacity of the website server is not strong enough to carry more users' access, which also results in a lower rate of user perception.

    There are many reasons that affect the network speed. First, it is likely that the configuration of your computer is too low. The solution to this problem is to replace a computer with a high configuration. It may also be that there is too much garbage in the computer, which is very convenient to solve. You just need to clean up the garbage in the computer.


    2023-11-14 20:00:00

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