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What is the correct way to soak the slimming lemonade

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What is the correct way to soak the slimming lemonade


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  • 2024-05-26 00:01:48

    The acid and alkali components in green lemon are strong, which is conducive to digestion and absorption. The nutrient content of green lemon is very high. At first, green lemon can make tea, use lemon juice to dissolve human fat, supplement vitamins, improve human body quality, and accelerate basic metabolism. In addition to losing weight, green lemon can also whiten skin, beautify and protect skin, Accelerate the decoration of the skin, not only to promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients at all levels of the body, but also to accelerate the blood circulation system of the whole body.

    Lemonade to lose weight

    Lemon juice can quench thirst and weaken the impulse to eat, so it can reasonably curb the poor diet and exercise for a total of 15 minutes a day, and the actual effect will be very obvious.

    Lemon juice, also known as lemon vinegar, is a kind of edible vinegar, which has the function of losing weight, slimming, beauty and beauty. Green lemon is durable and easy to store. It contains rich and colorful vitamin C, which can avoid gum swelling and bleeding, reduce the probability of black spots and freckles, and has some practical effects on whitening skin. Lemon peel also has rich and colorful high-quality protein, so in order to achieve the ideal practical effect, it is best to make juice with peel as the most nutritious ingredient.

    Function and efficacy of lemon juice

    1. Lemon juice can whiten skin

    There is a lot of vitamin C in lemon juice, and vitamin C is very easy to be oxidized. The composition of vitamin C in dry lemon slices is undoubtedly lower than that in fresh lemon slices. The taste of water is not very good, but the difference is not very big. If you make tea well, the effect is not different

    Soaking in water with dried lemon juice slices can also whiten the skin. Drying the lemon juice slices only volatilizes the water and a very small part of the ingredients, but still leaves most of them. Otherwise, why use the dried lemon juice slices to make tea? However, dry lemon juice slices can not be as good as fresh lemon juice slices for yellowing and whitening. The nutritional elements of dry lemon juice slices are slightly worse than those of fresh ones, and the digestion and absorption are not as good as those of fresh ones.

    2. Lemon juice can beautify and protect skin

    The most immediate effect of soaking lemon juice slices in water is beauty and skin care. It is a habit to drink a cup of hot lemonade every morning. The amount of lemon juice should be a whole lemon juice. This will make your eyes more nimble and your skin more white and red. If you add more lemon juice to the water, it will continue to have the effect of eliminating body waste.

    Lemonade diet is highly recommended

    1. Fresh lemon juice

    The fresh green lemon has a rich and colorful water content, which can be forced or stored in containers to accumulate juice, mixed with purified water and added with appropriate sugar. In addition to the weight loss and slimming effect of the first lemon juice, its rich and colorful vitamins have strong antioxidant effect, which is also reasonable for whitening skin and delaying aging.

    2. Slice fresh green lemon

    Soak in warm water or cold water, fresh lemon peel has the function of reducing weight, detoxifying the body, and reducing fire.

    3. Dried lemon slices

    The dried lemon slices bought in the market are mixed with boiling water. The taste of the dried lemon slices is more fragrant, and they also have a strong weight loss effect. It is convenient to use and suitable for eating around the main food.

    Specific methods:

    Method: Add one liter of water and half of lemon juice, and place it in the refrigerator. This slimming method is to drink at least three liters of lemon juice every day. You don't need to go on a diet or ban snacks, but you must always supplement lemon juice. In addition, it is necessary to take 15 minutes of fitness exercise every day, which does not need to be continued. The time of decentralization can also be used, which is conducive to a large amount of sweating (eliminating harmful substances).

    Function: Lemon juice can quench thirst and weaken the impulse to eat, so it can reasonably curb poor diet matching. In addition, a total of 15 minutes of fitness exercise a day will have a very obvious effect.


    2024-05-26 00:01:48

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