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Can Fried Eggs with Sesame Oil Cure Cough

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Can Fried Eggs with Sesame Oil Cure Cough


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Sesame oil super actually has a certain effect on the treatment of cough, and cough is a common problem. In some cases, it will continue to cause bronchitis, tonsillitis, or other poor conditions. Both adults and children may suffer from this kind of disease, so we can try to use sesame oil scrambled eggs to treat it, Or you can use other diet therapy to recuperate.

    1、 How to stir fry eggs with salad oil and ginger foam:

    1. Raw materials: 1 tablespoon of salad oil, raw egg and 1 piece of ginger foam

    2. How to do it: put a spoonful of salad oil into the frying pan, put ginger foam after burning the oil, stir fry twice, and then stir in eggs.

    3. Reminder: Take one hot meal every night before the child goes to bed. If you persist for a few days, you will receive a more significant practical effect.

    However, it should be noted that scrambled eggs with salad oil is only a small recipe after all, which is not necessarily reasonable for anyone. If you are not careful, it may even have an anti practical effect. If the child's cough is not good all the time, he should go to see a doctor immediately.

    2、 Diet Therapy for Cough

    1. Stewed Duck with Cordyceps sinensis

    Cordyceps sinensis is warm and sweet. It has the functions of nourishing the lung, tonifying the kidney, invigorating the kidney qi, etc., and is mainly used to treat coughing, phlegm deficiency, asthma, hemoptysis, etc. Goose is cold in nature, sweet and salty in taste. It has the function of tonifying yin, strengthening spleen, nourishing stomach, promoting dampness and detumescence. Stewed duck with cordyceps sinensis and blood regulate qi, clear away heat and fire, strengthen spleen, nourish stomach, generate fluid and quench thirst. It has excellent preventive effect against chronic pharyngitis caused by kidney deficiency, cough and nausea caused by pharyngitis.

    2. Boiled pig bone with lateral ear root

    The root of lateral ear is also called fishy grass root. It is cold in nature and pungent in taste. It has the functions of clearing away heat and fire, eliminating carbuncle and purulent, diuresis and drenching. Pig bones have the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying the fire, strengthening the waist and knees, and strengthening muscles and bones. Stewed with pleurotus root, it has significant therapeutic effect on pulmonary carbuncle, purulent vomit, lung heat, asthma and cough. It is effective for suppurative tonsillitis.

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