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These steps should be kept in mind

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These steps should be kept in mind


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  • 2024-05-24 03:00:00

    Mutton hotpot is really delicious. This kind of food is very attractive to people. Many people want to make this kind of hotpot at home, but it is not difficult. First, prepare mutton and other ingredients, make relevant preparations, and follow the steps below.

    1、 Ingredients for mutton hotpot

    Ingredients: 30g Angelica sinensis, 1500g mutton. Spices: 100g refined oil, 5g ginger, 5g garlic, 5g scallion, 20g monosodium glutamate, 20g chicken essence, 20g cooking wine, 5g pepper, and 3000g white soup.

    2、 Method of making mutton hotpot

    (1) Slice ginger and garlic, cut onion into "horse ear" shape, and cut angelica into 4mm thick slices.

    (2) Rinse the mutton, cut it into 3cm square pieces, put it into the soup pot and boil in water.

    (3) Put the wok on the fire, heat it with oil, put ginger and garlic slices, onion, stir fry, mix with white soup, put mutton, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper powder, cooking wine, angelica, boil it, remove the floating foam, pour it into a pressure cooker, press it for 10 minutes, then start the wok, put it into the basin, and go onto the stage.

    Big bone soup generally refers to pig bone soup, that is, a kind of soup with thick and fresh flavor made from big bone and old hens after a long time of boiling. There are two specific preparation methods:

    1. Traditional way: The soup uses chicken, duck, pig bone, pig paw, pig elbow, pig belly and other raw materials that are easy to make the soup white. When stewing, the water should cover the materials inside. First scald it with boiling water, then boil it with cold water and high heat, remove the foam, add the onion and ginger wine, and slowly boil it with high heat until the soup is thick and milky white.

    2. Convenient way: There is a kind of condensed bone soup called Milk Soup King on the market. When I went to the restaurant to eat hot pot, I asked for some samples and made them myself. The effect is good, not different from the bone soup I cooked, but the operation is much simpler and more convenient. It can be mixed according to a certain proportion. It is suggested that friends who do catering can try it, You can directly search for companies such as Milk Soup Emperor on the Internet.

    3、 Instructions for lamb hotpot

    Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mutton is warm in nature, warming the kidney, supplementing qi and blood. Mutton can be used for impotence, waist soreness and knee weakness, chills, nocturnal polyuria, postpartum blood deficiency abdominal pain, limb hyperthermia and other diseases. The most obvious effect is that you are afraid of cold in winter, and you will feel warm after eating several meals of mutton.

    However, it is worth noting that mutton is too dry, and people who have colds or are too hot are not suitable to eat more. Often eating mutton casseroles or mutton hotpots is also easy to get "heated". Therefore, when eating hotpot, you can put some chrysanthemum petals into the hotpot. Not only does the pot have the fragrance of chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum can also clear away heat, detoxify, clear the liver and eyes, and disperse wind heat.

    If you are afraid of catching fire, after eating mutton pot or mutton hot pot, you can also eat some food such as tremella, lily, pear, or drink chrysanthemum, honeysuckle and other fire medicine.


    2024-05-24 03:00:00

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