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Is radish honey water good for coughing

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Is radish honey water good for coughing


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In daily life, radish is one of the most popular stir fried dishes in Xiangjiang. Because it is crispy, refreshing, and has different methods, the most important thing is that it is nutritious and has very good use value, so it is very popular. Then can boiling water with white radish cure cough? What is its function? Let's have a look!

    Is radish honey good for coughing?

    In general, boiled white radish can cure cough. Radish is a common vegetable. The basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine also believes that the taste is sweet, cool, and enters the lung, liver and gallbladder channels. It is the top grade of diet therapy and can cure or assist in treating a variety of diseases. Shennong Herbal Classic is called "the most beneficial of vegetables". It can not only promote qi, stop cough and dissolve phlegm, produce fluid, stop thirst, stop cough and dissolve phlegm, but also tonify the kidney, replenish essence and relieve cough. Therefore, radish has certain efficacy and role in clinical nursing.

    Pure honey is sweet, mild and alkaline. It has the functions of softening the liver, relieving cough and moistening the lung, moistening the intestines, relieving constipation and dryness, dispelling toxins, and maintaining beauty. Together, it can be said to be an excellent ancestral secret recipe for treating cough.

    What are the effects of white radish

    1、 Digestion and absorption level: food accumulation, abdominal distention, indigestion, poor gastric absorption, and can be eaten with raw mashed juice; Nausea, retching, vomiting acid water, and diffuse dysentery can be chewed and swallowed carefully with chopped honey; Constipation, can cook; Oral ulcer, which can be rinsed and cleaned with juice.

    2、 Inhalation level: cough and phlegm, preferably chopped honey fried and chewed carefully; Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, hoarse throat, loss of voice, and the ability to mash juice and ginger water on the same screen; For epistaxis, a small amount of raw and mashed liquor can be taken hot, and also mashed juice can be used for nose drops; Hemoptysis, cooked vegetables with beef and grass carp; To prevent influenza, you can cook.

    3、 At the level of urogenital system: various urinary stones with poor urination can be used for cutting and honey frying for oral use; All kinds of edema can be taken with radish and floating wheat decoction.

    4、 Other levels of beauty and skin care can be cooked; Beriberi, decocted soup washed outside; It can be used for detoxification, sobering up or carbon monoxide poisoning, or leaf decoction and drink juice; Tongli joints can be boiled.

    5、 White radish eaten raw can promote digestion. In addition to promoting digestion, it also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The ingredients of its spicy food can promote gastric acid metabolism and regulate gastrointestinal function. In addition, white radish juice has the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Pour a glass of red bean syrup into the glass bottle, and then place the sliced radish fully in the bottle. After one night, there will be white radish juice.

    White radish for cough:

    1. Boiling Radish Water to Stop Cough and Resolve Phlegm

    Coughing for several days in a row makes it difficult to sleep at night. You can buy two turnips. Every night, cut a half of the turnip and boil it in cold water. After the turnip is cooked, filter the water out with a cup or small plate, and drink it after it is slightly cold. Cough can be reduced. Cough can be cured after drinking for several days.

    2. Braised Radish to Stop Cough

    Cut the "Xinlimei" turnip into strips or blocks about 5cm thick, put it into the stove and burn it (the gas stove can be baked in a pan) until it is not very cooked. Take it out of the stove and eat it while it is hot. After a few coughs, it will improve.

    3. Radish soup for relieving cough and resolving phlegm

    5 pieces of black pepper, 100g of turnip, 3 pieces of ginger, 10g of poria cocos, boiled soup. It is used to clear the cough of thin foamed plastic.

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