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How many calories does a slice of whole wheat toast contain?

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How many calories does a slice of whole wheat toast contain?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Everyone has eaten toast bread. Because the raw materials for making toast bread are different, there are many categories of toast bread, including whole wheat toast. Whole wheat toast is made from whole wheat flour, which is very different from the toast bread made from refined flour. Those who like to eat toast bread are recommended to buy whole wheat toast, It's very suitable for breakfast. How many calories does a piece of whole wheat toast carry?

    Calories of a slice of whole wheat toast:

    This depends on the recipe of whole wheat bread.

    As compared with ordinary bread, only 20% of whole wheat flour is contained in whole wheat toast.

    Generally, the whole wheat bread and hard toast bread have low calorific value because of less oil and sugar.

    And the whole wheat bread, sweet and soft bread, has relatively high oil and sugar components, so the calorific value of course needs to be much higher.

    Therefore, if Lou Keying wants to know the calories of whole wheat bread, it is best to master the secret recipe.

    Calorific value of whole wheat bread

    Calorific value: 246 calories/100g. One piece of whole wheat toast (36.0g) has a calorific value of 89 calories, which requires a 61.4 minute walk. For every 100g of this ingredient, there are: 1.00g of human fat; Vitamin b20.01g; Sodium 457.00 g; Zinc 0.49 g; Phosphorus 88.00g; 8.50g protein; 1.50g iron.

    Whole wheat toast refers to the toast bread made with whole wheat flour without removing the external wheat bran and wheat germ, which is different from the general toast bread made with refined flour (i.e. wheat flour ground after removing the wheat bran and part of the subcutaneous tissue colored plate containing nutrients). Lose weight for two days at a time. On the third/fourth day, the diet was restored, and then the first two days.

    Day 1: Two jin of apples (five or six up and down, no more than seven).

    Attention: You can only eat apples for 24 hours, and you can't drink water, yogurt, or eat anything! Eat only apples. Wash the apple while eating, and then gradually take small bites.

    The second day: 1000 ml (less than 4 kg) of yogurt or low-fat milk is divided into six or seven equal portions, one portion for each drink. Drink only pure milk for 24 hours. Don't eat anything else. You can't even drink water. If you are thirsty, you have to drink pure milk. (Milk and yogurt can also be drunk separately, but pay attention to the amount.) If not covered, you will lose three to five jin in two days!

    Basic principle: eat apples to alleviate hunger! Two days without drinking water, plus yogurt the next day, will discourage the digestion and absorption of water. Thin quickly. If you can use this method again after reaching the ideal weight, this is the real apple milk weight loss method. (It is not allowed to drink water in the middle. It is also not allowed to eat apples and milk together. It must be eaten separately. That is reasonable. And it only lasts for two days each time, which is very easy to pass and not violent!

    This apple milk weight loss method is published in a medical journal, which has certain scientific demonstration. You can't drink water because if you take water during the weight loss period, the human body will no doubt consume the water you take first, and it is not easy to consume the water of the body. If you stop drinking water every day, you will basically reduce the water of the human body. When you come to the milk day, the water will be almost reduced, and then you will reduce the body fat. Therefore, the milk day is very important. Do not drink water or shelter. If the circulation system is repeated several times, there is no doubt that Hugh Chong can come out. It will further reduce the body fat. This method can be implemented on Sundays as a good way to clear intestines, detoxify and reduce fat.

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