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The difference between vanilla and wormwood

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The difference between vanilla and wormwood


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:00

    We also know that China is rich in products and resources. Everyone knows Chinese medicine very well, no doubt! Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of at least thousands of years. There are many types of traditional Chinese medicine, and each of them has different effects. But most of them are green plants and herbs, which should be clear to everyone! Have you ever heard of wormwood? Artemisia argyi has very wonderful effects, and this kind of traditional Chinese medicine is very common. So what's the difference between wormwood and wormwood?

    The wormwood is a species and the wild wormwood is a growth and development species, so the two characteristics are different and can not be compared. Among all species of Artemisia argyi, the species of Artemisia argyi is the best; The wormwood is a green plant of the genus Ainaria in Compositae. It is also known as "big wormwood" and "windy wormwood". Its main production area is in Guangxi Province; The wild wormwood is determined by the natural environment for its growth and development, and its efficacy is relatively good. Nowadays, people also plant wormwood.

    Function and efficacy of wormwood

    1. Wormwood incense can prevent mosquitoes

    "Some Chinese herbal medicines and green plants are pure natural anti mosquito raw materials." Among them, the most typical is wormwood, which has a unique aroma and can reasonably prevent mosquitoes. Every night, the moxa incense or moxibustion stick is ignited, and the dense smoke released can quickly smoke away mosquitoes; Or soak wormwood and calamus in water to mop the floor, or boil them into warm water and wipe them on your body, which can have the effect of mosquito repellent; Hang a dry moxibustion stick in the house, which can also remove mosquitoes, flying insects and small insects.

    2. Wormwood sachet

    Method. Therefore, red peony, white peony, lilac flower, Perram, wormwood leaf, camphor, agastache, camphor pill, tuckahoe, and peppermint can be put together to make sachets, which can be hung in the room. They can be removed and replaced regularly every 10-15 days, which can achieve the goal of health care and can also reasonably prevent mosquitoes. This kind of medicine can be bought in pharmacies, and the price is not expensive.


    2024-05-26 13:00:00

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