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Where did the stingy cat go after the rebels appeared in Cat Country

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Where did the stingy cat go after the rebels appeared in Cat Country


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  • 2023-11-10 08:00:00


    In the end, Wufu Mouse is stingy and wins Yiyi Mouse, but he is also in a coma because of the heavy injury.

    The stingy cat is a character in the series of Chinese animation "Five Mice". His character is cold outside and hot inside, sometimes cold and sometimes extroverted. He has excellent martial arts. His identity is the king of the cat country, and he is also a descendant of the first king family. The stingy cat was the crown prince of the cat country, and later inherited the throne, becoming the youngest king of the cat, mouse, and dog countries. In order to fulfill the last wish of the former king, he led the cat army to launch a long war with the rat country.


    2023-11-10 08:00:00

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