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Microwave sausages for a few minutes

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Microwave sausages for a few minutes


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    Roasted sausages are a common characteristic snack in many streets and alleys. When sold, it is made with a professional sausage roaster. But in fact, if you don't pay much attention to taste and appearance and pursue perfection, you can make baked sausages at home by heating them with a microwave oven. To sum up, it takes three minutes to bake sausage in microwave oven. Before putting it into microwave oven for heating, it needs to solve the problem. It seems that the addition of certain scallops and seasonings is the guarantee of taste.

    How to bake sausage in microwave oven:

    Raw materials: 3 roasted sausages, 1 orange, a small amount of five spice powder, tomato sauce

    1. Take three cold roasted sausages, draw a few lines on the body of the roasted sausages, heat them in the microwave oven, and select the kebab.

    Method of steaming and baking sausages in microwave oven:

    1. Take out two pieces and put them in the dish (it is not necessary to unfreeze them first). Use a wooden stick or a knife to pierce some holes in the sausage first, or it may explode

    2. Then put it into the microwave oven for heating. Note that it is not the baking string function of microwave oven heating. Immediately use the microwave to heat the high fire, and execute it regularly for one minute and 20 seconds.

    3. At the beginning, there was ice on the sausage. During the whole heating process, the ice changed into water and was left in the dish, so the sausage would be wet if it touched the dish. You can take two disposable bamboo chopsticks, break them and put them on the dish, and then put the sausage on top. That's OK. It takes 1 minute for cold sausage to be heated in microwave oven.

    2. Bite it for 2 minutes, then turn over the roast sausage, and bite it for another 1 minute. Pay attention to the time to avoid burning the roast sausage.

    Dachshund is a kind of long cylindrical tubular food made of pig casings, which uses a very long history of raw materials for production and storage of meat products. Sausages are made of pig or sheep piglet casings (also effective for large pig casings) filled with seasoned food.

    Nutritional elements per 100 grams of sausage: 508 grams of kinetic energy, 24.1 grams of human fat, 40.7 grams of carbohydrate compounds, 11.2 grams of cholesterol, 82 mg of niacin, 0.48 mg of vitamin b20.11 mg, 34.4 mg of vitamin b2, 1.05 mg of calcium, 14 mg of phosphorus, 198 mg of potassium, 453 mg of sodium, 2309.2 mg of magnesium, 52 mg of iron, 5.8 mg of zinc, 7.61 mg, 8.77 mg of selenium, 0.31 mg of copper, 0.31 mg of manganese, 0.36 mg.

    Function and efficacy of sausage

    1. The key raw material of kinetic energy sausage is pork leg, which contains nutrients and can supplement the body needs.

    2. Spleen invigorating and appetizing sausage is thick and mellow in taste, which can invigorate the spleen and appetizers, improve appetite, and increase appetite for the skinny.

    3. The anemia prevention sausage contains a variety of nutrients, which can help to digest and absorb nutrients reasonably, show essential nutrients to the body, and prevent anemia and other symptoms.

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