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Effect of Agrimony on Soaking in Water

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Effect of Agrimony on Soaking in Water


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    Agrimony is a kind of heat clearing and blood cooling medicine belonging to traditional Chinese medicine, which has a very good practical effect of promoting blood circulation. In the case of serious burning in summer, you can also treat the symptoms of burning by soaking in water with agrimony. Now scientific research has confirmed that Agrimonia pilosa has obvious treatment for digestion and absorption of gastrointestinal tract, and can have the effect of treating diarrhea. After suffering from nosebleeds due to easy burning, it can be cured and alleviated by soaking agrimony and tea.

    Agrimony is widely distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Hubei provinces of China. The research shows that the Agrimony Phenol, Agrimolactone, Agrimonin, etc. contained in Agrimony can have very good antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, disinsectorial, and brain clearing effects, and are universal drugs in clinical medicine.

    1. Convergent blood activating

    Agrimony has astringent and astringent taste and functions as astringent and activating blood circulation. It is widely used for bleeding syndrome in all parts of the body. Because of its calming effect, it can be used by those who bleed without blood stasis, regardless of heat, cold, and excess. For example, it can be used in combination with rehmannia root, platycladus orientalis leaf, peony bark and other medicines to treat the bleeding syndrome of blood fever; If it is used for internal heat bleeding due to yin deficiency, it can be used together with Codonopsis pilosula, processed ginger, wormwood leaves, etc.

    2. Malaria interception

    Agrimonia pilosa has the function of stopping malaria and curing dengue fever. You can swallow it with ground powder of Agrimonia pilosa pilosa pilosa or decoct it with water 2 hours before the onset of malaria.

    3. Treating diarrhea by astringent bowel

    Agrimony is astringent and astringent, and can astringent the intestines and cure diarrhea. It is especially suitable for dysentery due to its calming effect, nourishing yin and blood, and promoting blood circulation.

    4. Insect and itch elimination

    Agrimonia pilosa can dispel poison, insects and itching, and can be used to cure vulva itching. It is often washed out in decoction with sophora flavescens, psoriasis skin, phellodendron amurense, etc.

    Nutritional composition

    Agrimonia pilosa contains unique ingredients such as Agrimonols and Agrimolactone, as well as luteolin, Agrimonin A, B, C, tannins, sterols, saponins and volatile oil, which has a very good therapeutic effect on various diseases such as hematemesis, dysentery, diabetes, arrhythmia, etc.

    1. The boiled water or alcohol extract of agrimony has inhibitory effect on Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri and typhoid bacillus in test tube infants.

    2. The aqueous extract of Agrimonia pilosa L. and the aqueous alcohol extract have anti-inflammatory effects on rabbit conjunctivitis caused by mustard oil or staphylococcus infection.

    3. Craniol in Agrimonia pilosa has accurate efficacy in killing cysticercus, juveniles, Taenia mori and Hymenolepis nana. The rate of cestode elimination by pyrogallol is far higher than that of cestode elimination.

    4. Agrimony lactone can reduce the strength of intestine retraction and anxiety of paraffin sectioned rabbits, and then make the intestinal fitness exercise stop in the relaxation situation, and also inhibit the intestinal peristalsis of rats' ruling colon.


    2024-05-26 10:01:55

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