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How long does it take to soak mushrooms

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How long does it take to soak mushrooms


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  • 2024-05-26 04:00:00

    Pleurotus ostreatus is stored for a short time when it is fresh. It will be corroded by small insects within a few days, and even rots more and more quickly. Therefore, most people need to make the Pleurotus ostreatus dry. Removing the water inside can make the Pleurotus ostreatus store for a longer time. Dry mushroom must be soaked in tap water before eating, so that enough water can enter into the mushroom, which can ensure the taste of the mushroom. The mushroom can not be eaten after soaking for a while, but can be eaten after soaking for a period of time. How long does it take to soak mushrooms?

    Soak dried shiitake mushrooms with warm boiled water. After cleaning up, soak them for about 1 hour and take them off. The foam can also be invaded in the following ways:

    1. First wash away the dust on the surface of pleurotus ostreatus with tap water, and then put it into properly warm boiled water to soak for about 1 hour, and then remove it. Take the water for soaking pleurotus ostreatus into the top fermentation liquid, and add it to vegetables as seasoning; It can even heat the mushroom water to boil for 2 minutes, and eat it immediately after refrigeration.

    2. Note that the inner layer of the mushroom has "gill pages" like internal organs, and it is difficult to clean the inside with small stones. Pour the mushroom into a basin, soak it with 60% warm water, mix it in one direction for more than 10 minutes, and the "gill leaf" of the mushroom will gradually spread out and throw small stones into the water.

    3. In our daily life, we usually use cold water, which was soaked the night before and taken in the afternoon the next day. If that's too inconvenient, we can bubble it a day or two earlier. Because the mushroom is at normal temperature, even if it has soaked for 72 hours, it will not become sticky and moldy. What's more, there are refrigerators to help us now, even if it is a week.

    4. After the mushroom is washed, it should be put into cold water immediately, and a proper amount of white granulated sugar should be added to soak it, so as to prevent the outflow of the fresh flavor ingredients of the mushroom. Soak it for half an hour, and then pick it up when the mushroom is sour and soft and drain the water.

    Note: Pleurotus ostreatus contains rich and colorful calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other nutrients. Patients with severe renal dysfunction and uremia should take it with caution.

    5. Mushroom purine, which is often contained in pleurotus ostreatus, can also reduce cholesterol and show excellent maintenance efficiency for endocrine system. Ergosterol, a front wheel drive animal with vitamin D in Pleurotus ostreatus, can be changed into vitamin D under sunlight or ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, taking dried Lentinus edodes heated and dried by artificial service, you can't get vitamin D.

    6. Put the bought dried shiitake mushrooms in the sun, or take them in the sun after taking dried shiitake mushrooms, which can promote the conversion of vitamin D into vitamin D.

    7. Dry Lentinula edodes: Pleurotus edodes will release a special flavor, which is mainly due to the fungus flavor and guanylic acid contained in it. Guanylic acid, in particular, has a delicious compressive strength dozens of times that of ordinary chicken essence. In case of soaking dried shiitake mushrooms, it is better to use warm boiled water at 20 ℃ - 35 ℃, which can not only make the mushroom more easily absorb moisture, become loose and bubble, but also make the guanylic acid fully dissolved, releasing fresh fragrance.

    8. If you use cold water to soak, the amount of uridine dissolved is less, and the taste of the mushroom soaked out is certainly poor. The soaking time should not be too long. When the mushroom cover becomes soft, it needs to be fished out and drained immediately. If a little white granulated sugar is added to the water while soaking, it can reduce the outflow of fungus spices and guanylic acid in the whole process of changing water in the aquarium, and make the cooking mushroom taste stronger.

    9. Dried shiitake is an agricultural product produced by fresh shiitake through baking and other processing processes. Pleurotus ostreatus has a strong adsorption force, so it must be stored independently, that is, the utensils for storing Pleurotus ostreatus cannot be mixed with other objects, and the warehouse for storing Pleurotus ostreatus is not suitable for the supply of mixed materials. In addition, it is not allowed to store the mushroom in the vessel with smell evaporation or in the vessel with strong odor absorption.


    2024-05-26 04:00:00

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