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Method of exploding squid whiskers

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Method of exploding squid whiskers


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  • 2024-05-26 03:01:49

    Hot squid must be delicious and delicious that we can often see in the streets and alleys. The taste is different, tender and smooth, and the mixture of spices makes the taste more mellow, so that everyone has never forgotten. The bezoar throat contains rich and colorful protein and mineral ingredients, with very high use value. We can take it moderately in our daily life. Many people don't understand the method of exploding squid whiskers. Let's take a look.

    The method of exploding squid whiskers is very simple. It is to clean the fresh squid whiskers and then fry them. In the case of preparation, it is necessary to mix the sauce properly, and add five spice powder, sesame oil and other auxiliary materials according to your own preferences.

    How to explode squid whiskers? The auxiliary materials are soybean paste, sesame oil, garlic chili paste, and hot squid whiskers. Prepare the process for making hot squid whiskers. 1 Fresh squid must be cleaned. After the tap water is slightly blanched, control to dry 2 Soybean paste, garlic chili paste, and sesame oil. Mix the sauce according to the ratio of 1:1:1. 3 No oil is added in the pot. After boiling, change it to Chinese fire. Pour it into yellow throats. Use a shovel to gently stir it into water. 4 Pour in the sauce, Stir fry quickly to make the sauce evenly wrapped on the bezoar throat.

    The popular squid must be done as follows: 1. Tear off the outer skin of the cow bezoar throat and wash it, dry it with a cotton towel, add salt, chicken essence, white granulated sugar, peanut butter, rose wine and dip it in the juice for 20 minutes; 2. Cut onion into shreds, millet into 0.5 cm grains, and onion into fresh flowers; 3. Put cooking oil in the pot, burn it until 50% hot, then fry the beef throat until it is shaped, and then fry it until the water temperature is 70% hot; 4. When the water is dry, take it out, put the barbecue on the big wood cushion block, and lay a piece of annular tin foil under the stainless steel plate; 5. Put salt free butter and shredded scallions on the top, put a small amount of douban film oil in the pot, add millet and pepper, then add beef throats, five spice powder, sesame oil, pepper oil and stir fry; 6. After getting out of the pot and putting it on the big mat, sprinkle onion segments on the stainless steel plate with onion wires and cover the outer cover;

    The above content is a detailed introduction to the practice of exploding squid whiskers. I look forward to giving you some help. We can make hot squid whiskers according to the steps in our daily life, and enjoy delicious food better. It should be noted that many popular squid in the sales market will be added with preservatives when the sauce is mixed, which is bad for the human body. We can make them ourselves


    2024-05-26 03:01:49

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