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How to heat Haier Rongyu air conditioner

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How to heat Haier Rongyu air conditioner


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  • 2023-11-15 19:00:00

    1. Connect the power supply of the air conditioner, install the battery on the remote control, align the remote control with the air conditioner and press the "ON/OFF" or "ON/OFF" button to turn on the air conditioner. When the remote control displays the temperature and hears the sound of equipment operation, it means that the air conditioner is successfully turned on.

    2. Press the "Mode" or "MODE" button on the remote control to select the heating mode. The air conditioner generally has four modes of air supply, cooling, dehumidification and heating. Click to change the mode, and the heating mode is indicated by the word "heating" or the sun icon.

    3. Set temperature: after heating starts, set a suitable temperature. If you want to heat up the room quickly, you can adjust a high temperature first, and then lower the temperature a little after the appropriate temperature is reached. You can choose a comfortable temperature. Generally, the maximum temperature of air conditioning heating is 30 degrees, and the suitable temperature for human body is 25 degrees to 26 degrees. If you want to save electricity, you should try to keep it as low as possible, and choose 18 degrees to 22 degrees.

    How to heat Haier Rongyu air conditioner

    1. Adjustment mode.

    After the air conditioner is powered on, the remote controller is also equipped with batteries. After the indicator light on the display panel is on, first adjust the mode to heating. The icon is usually the sign of the small sun. Note that it can be distinguished according to the air conditioner model.

    2. Temperature and wind direction.

    Then click the start button on the remote control, and the air conditioner will start. Then set the temperature to 18-24 degrees, and adjust the intensity and direction of the wind speed. There is no fixed requirement for this.

    3. Turn on electric auxiliary heating.

    After the air conditioner is turned on, it is recommended to turn on the electric auxiliary heating at the same time, which can speed up heating and make the effect better. Generally, it will feel warm after ten minutes of turning on, and then the auxiliary heating function can be turned off as required.

    4. Defrost function. The air conditioner generally has the function of automatic defrosting. Because the outdoor unit is prone to frosting of condensed water, which will affect the heating, the air conditioner will stop heating and then defrost. At this time, do not move the air conditioner remote control

    Defrosting is usually completed in a few minutes, and then heating will resume.

    Air conditioning heating refers to the heating function. When the air conditioning is set to the heating mode, the freon gas will be pressurized by the compressor and converted into high-pressure and high-temperature gas, and then enter the heat exchanger of the indoor unit

    When encountering the heat release of condensate, it will become a liquid, and at the same time, it will heat the indoor air, thus increasing the indoor temperature.

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