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Steamed or boiled oysters

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Steamed or boiled oysters


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Oyster is a common food in our daily life. Oyster is a favorite food for many people. Oyster contains many kinds of nutrients. Oyster is a kind of food that belongs to seafood products, and is also a favorite food for everyone. Many people like to steam or cook oysters. How can oysters be delicious? Oysters are the ingredients of seafood products. How long can they be kept? Can oysters be refrigerated? Let's have a look below!

    Do you like oysters steamed or boiled?

    Whether the oyster is steamed or boiled No matter from the nutritional and delicious level, it must be better to eat the oyster steamed than boiled. If you want the oyster soup. During the whole cooking process of oysters, the juice, nutrients and delicious substances in the human body are very easy to drain into the water, so the cooked oysters are not delicious, and the delicious and nutritious ingredients are also damaged.

    Even if we use the method of steaming to make oysters, we should also pay attention to placing the big shell of the oyster downward to avoid the outflow of the steamed juice.

    Detailed introduction to 2 kinds of oyster nutrition meal recipes:

    Steamed oysters with minced garlic and vermicelli

    Raw materials: 10 oysters, appropriate vermicelli, appropriate garlic powder, small amount of jalapeno, a small amount of soy sauce, a small amount of salt, and a small amount of edible oil Process:

    1. Use a fruit knife to separate the oyster meat from the shell, wash it with cold water and place the meat in the shell;

    2. Garlic and pepper shall be stacked separately. In the hot pot, add garlic and pepper for explosion, and then add Xiaoxu's soy sauce and salt seasoning;

    3. The vermicelli were soaked and softened two hours in advance, cut into pieces and spread on the oysters;

    4. Spread the sauteed garlic and chilli on the vermicelli and steam the whole plate for 10 minutes;

    5. Delicious and delicious steamed oysters with garlic and chili vermicelli are out of the pot.

    Steamed Oyster

    Raw materials: 500g oysters, appropriate oil, appropriate shallots, appropriate seafood soy sauce, appropriate garlic, appropriate procedures for chopped garlic and pepper:

    1. Choose fresh oysters and clean them with a soft brush;

    2. Chop the shallots and chopped garlic;

    3. Put the pot on fire and add cooking oil;

    4. When the oil temperature is 3 to 40% hot, add chopped green onion and chopped garlic to fry until fragrant;

    5. Then add proper amount of seafood soy sauce (as little as possible);

    6. Add a small amount of rice wine;

    7. Then put it in a small plate for use;

    8. At this time, put the cleaned oysters into the steamer tray prepared in advance. It can be boiled for 5 minutes in case of fire; 9. Then open the shell of each oyster, pour the sauce one by one, sprinkle a small amount of chopped garlic and pepper, and you can!

    How long can oysters stay?

    The freezing of oysters without pulling the shell is generally controlled at 4-5 ℃, which will cause bacteria to grow and rot the oyster meat. If it is low, the oysters will freeze or die. The quantity can be stored in the freezer for 6 days at most, and can not be randomly rolled or mixed with other food.

    Can oysters be refrigerated?

    How to store the leftover oysters once they are bought too much after they are bought? Some people like to put oysters in the refrigerator and take them out to unfreeze the next day. However, this behavior is actually not available. It is better to store oysters in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Generally, the temperature of the refrigerator at home is about 4 ℃, and oysters can maintain life specificity at that temperature. Fresh oysters have the ability of natural antiviral treatment and are safer to eat. The temperature of the refrigerator will be below - 10 ℃. At that temperature, the oyster will quickly die of cold. Because the oyster has rich and colorful nutritional elements, the oyster meat that loses its ability of antiviral treatment is easy to be infected by pathogenic bacteria, and during the whole process of unfreezing, the oyster will also suffer from secondary infection. Therefore, eating oysters like that is very easy to cause serious diarrhea due to bacteria exceeding the standard.

    Nutrients of oysters:

    1. Fortify

    The pickled raw shrimp contains 18 kinds of carbohydrates, liver glycogen, B vitamins, lysine, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients. Eating it regularly can improve the immune capacity of the body. The pickled raw shrimp contains lysine to reduce blood lipid and blood pressure.

    2. Calm the mind

    Cui Yuxi mentioned in the Book of Food that "the pickled raw shrimp meat can cure sleeplessness at night, and the cure meaning is uncertain". Frequent use can reduce anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness and tinnitus caused by yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity. The pickled raw shrimp contains a variety of nutrients and minerals, especially selenium, which can adjust nerves and mood.

    3. Gastric fluid production and thirst quenching

    Li Shixian also said in the Compendium of Materia Medica that the pickled raw shrimp "cures deficiency with meat, relieves drunkenness and irritability, smoothes the skin, relieves cough, dissolves phlegm and turns into knots with pickled raw shrimp shells, clears heat, detoxifies and removes dampness, stops heart pain, relieves red and white turbidity after dysentery, and eliminates hernia accumulation.

    4. Tendon and bone

    Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica records that "(pickled raw shrimp) can be worn for a long time, strengthen joints, kill damp evils, and prolong life". The water content of calcium in the pickled raw shrimp is close to that of cow milk, and the water content of iron is 21 times that of cow milk. Eating it is beneficial to the growth and development of bones and incisors.

    Conclusion: Above, we discussed that oysters are steamed to eat delicious food and store nutrients. It's still a matter of cooking and eating delicious food. Whether the oyster is steamed or boiled No matter from the nutritional and delicious level, it must be better to eat the oyster steamed than boiled. If you want the oyster soup. During the whole cooking process of oysters, the juice, nutrients and delicious substances in the human body are very easy to drain into the water, so the cooked oysters are not delicious, and the delicious and nutritious ingredients are also damaged. In addition, oysters cannot be refrigerated. Eating such oysters is very easy to cause serious diarrhea due to bacteria exceeding the standard.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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