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How to make fish in tomato sauce

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How to make fish in tomato sauce


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    Daily diet is the most immediate way for us to obtain nutrients, but how can we effectively match our daily diet and make all kinds of delicious food very delicious? We need to grasp some delicious food practices. Tomato fish is a favorite fish eating method of many people, and its taste is very delicious, And it won't make us feel very greasy, but it has been loved by many friends. Let's learn about how to make tomato sauce fish at home?

    Home cooking of fish in tomato sauce

    Food preparation in advance

    Raw material: Spanish mackerel

    Seasonings: onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, salt, soy sauce, tomato sauce, old rock sugar, rice wine.

    Manufacturing process

    1. Clean and control the internal organs of the fish. If the fish is big, it can be cut into pieces.

    2. Fry the fish and turn it orange on both sides. (You can wipe the bottom pan with ginger slices in advance, burn the oil and put the fish in the pan. You don't like sticking to the bottom pan that way).

    3. Put the bottom oil in the pan, put the onion, ginger, garlic and star anise into the pan, and then put some soy sauce, water, and fish. Water needs to be above fish.

    4. Put rice wine, old rock sugar, salt and tomato sauce into the boiled water. (I put 15-20 pieces of old rock candy in this kind of fish).

    5. Finally, the soup halibut was put into the pressure cooker and pressed for 20-30 minutes before it was ready. (Be careful not to put too little water to avoid fish).

    Method of fish in tomato sauce

    Main materials: fried small fish, raw eggs

    Auxiliary materials: wine, ginger, onion, sugar, tomato sauce, salt, cassava starch

    1. After the fried small fish is thoroughly dissolved, wash it and dry it. Add wine, proper salt, and a small amount of white pepper to marinate it for 20 minutes;

    2. Put an egg into a bowl and add dry starch to make egg yolk liquid (thin and thick should be moderate);

    3. Cut ginger into slices;

    4. Make a small bowl of Euryale powder to reserve;

    5. The pot is easy to heat up. Pour in appropriate oil (a little more), and the oil is 70% hot (I usually put it on the top of the pot with force, and feel some heat in my hands, but don't feel too hot);

    6. Roll the fried fish in the egg yolk liquid and fry it in the oil (it is not easy to use too much cooking oil at home, so turn it over);

    7. After a while, turn over and fry the other side until the lower side is solidified, until everything turns orange and scooped up;

    8. Throw away the remaining oil, leave a small amount of oil in the pot, and add ginger slices to fry the pot;

    9. Add sugar, tomato sauce, salt and cold water, and stir them evenly (at this time, you can taste the taste, and then adjust the dosage appropriately). Add wet starch to thicken;

    10. Pour in fried fish, stir fry and serve.


    1. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Spanish mackerel has the effects of tonifying qi and blood, relieving cough, and has certain effects on weak and sickly cough;

    2. Spanish mackerel also has the function of refreshing and anti-aging diet therapy. Eating it regularly will have some auxiliary effects on anemia, aging, malnutrition, weakness and neurasthenia after giving birth.

    The above is a detailed introduction of how to make tomato sauce fish at home. According to our understanding, it will not be too difficult to understand the special food after mastering it, and changing our diet matching type will also make our daily life more and more diverse, thus improving our appetite, which is also more conducive to physical and mental health.

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