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Is nimodipine a antihypertensive drug

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Is nimodipine a antihypertensive drug


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    Nimodipine tablet is a common drug in clinical medicine nowadays. Many people want to know whether Nimodipine tablet is a blood pressure lowering drug. In fact, Nimodipine is not a blood pressure lowering drug, but it also has a certain impact on blood pressure. Its key function is to cure cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In the case of taking medicine, we should also follow the doctor's advice. Below, we will introduce the relevant professional knowledge of Nimodipine Tablets in detail!

    1、 Does nimodipine tablet reduce blood pressure

    Nimodipine belongs to sodium ion antagonist, which has a slight impact on blood pressure. However, some patients are sensitive to Nimodipine, which has a great impact on blood pressure. In addition, nimodipine has a strong effect on heart and brain vessels, but a weak effect on peripheral vessels. It has a significant effect on headache or migraine, vascular dementia, and sudden deafness after subarachnoid hemorrhage. If the patient is still using other antihypertensive drugs when using nimodipine, it is necessary to be alert to the synergistic effect of antihypertensive drugs. It is recommended to use it under the specific guidance of doctors to prevent serious side effects.

    2、 Usage and dosage of nimodipine tablets

    Take it in the following way or as directed by your doctor.

    1. Cerebral ischemia, cardio cerebrovascular disease: Take orally, 80~120Mg (4~6 tablets) every day, three times, with a period of one month.

    2 . Migraine: Take orally, 40Mg (2 tablets) once, 3 times a day, 12 weeks as a treatment process, with the high efficiency of 88%. About half of the medical records can be basically cured or the effect is significant. It can alleviate the pain level of vascular, neurological, clustered and compound headache, reduce the incidence frequency and duration, and avoid the occurrence of premonitory symptoms.

    3 . Cerebral vasospasm caused by subarachnoid hemorrhage: oral administration, 40 ~ 60Mg (2 ~ 3 tablets) once, 3 ~ 4 times a day, 3 ~ 4 weeks as a treatment process. If the patient needs surgical treatment, the drug should be cut off on the day of surgical treatment, and then can be taken again.

    4 . Sudden deafness: Take orally, 40~60Mg (2~3 tablets) a day, and take it three times. Five days is a treatment process, and the general treatment process is 3~4.

    5. Mild and mild to moderate hypertension: hypertension combined with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can be preferred. For internal use, 40Mg (2 tablets) once, 3 times a day at the beginning, and 240Mg (12 tablets) is used daily.

    3、 Common problems in taking nimodipine tablets

    1. Patients with brain edema and intracranial hypertension should use it with caution.

    2. The metabolic substances of nimodipine have toxic and side effects, and those who are harmed by liver function examination should use it cautiously.

    3. This product can reduce blood pressure. In patients with hypertensive subarachnoid hemorrhage or stroke, attention should be paid to reducing or temporarily stopping the use of antihypertensive drugs, or reducing the dosage of this product.

    4. It can cause concealed intestinal obstruction, mainly manifested as abdominal distention and weak bowel sounds. When the disease occurs, it is reasonable to reduce the dosage and maintain observation.

    5. Prevent sharing with beta blockers or other calcium antagonists.


    2024-05-26 12:00:00

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