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Are apples high in sugar

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Are apples high in sugar


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Although the sugar content of apple is relatively high, its sugar content is mainly cassava starch, and it also has a relatively large amount of methyl cellulose, which will be quickly dissolved after entering the stomach and intestines, and it is not easy to cause human fat deposition. From the perspective of the overall nutritional composition, apple is relatively balanced among all fresh fruits, In addition, it is also second to none in the role of nutrients, so it is said that eating some apples moderately in daily life has a very good health care effect on the human body.

    Are apples high in sugar

    Although apple has high sugar content, its sugar content is mainly cassava starch, methyl cellulose, which needs to be dissolved before it can be digested and absorbed after entering the gastrointestinal tract. It takes a long time to digest and absorb, which improves the sense of satiety, and is not easy to overeat and overeat. Although the sugar content of food and drinks with monosaccharide, such as cola, is similar to that of apple, However, the main ingredient is simple sugar, which is very easy to digest and absorb, and will quickly cause hunger, making people want to eat continuously. This is why eating apples can lose weight, while drinking drinks can make people fat.

    The shocking effect of Apple

    1. Prevent asthma

    Adults who eat at least three apples a week will reduce the risk of asthma by 30%.

    2. Prevention of tendon contracture

    Apples contain various vitamins and other elements. Muscle contracture occurs when the body is short of calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin b2, vitamin C and other nutrients. Apples happen to show this nutrient to the body, so eating more apples can prevent muscle contracture.

    3. Reasonably resist bee venom

    The acid substance in apple vinegar has a certain detoxification effect on bee venom, and can relieve itching and pain after being stung by bee venom. Apple vinegar also has detoxification effect on chicken heart snail poison.

    4. Love teeth and protect teeth

    Apple contains tannin, which is beneficial to avoid periodontal disease. Eating apples can increase the frequency of occlusion, promote the periodontal blood circulation system, and have the function of fixing teeth and cleaning teeth.

    5. Treatment of diarrhea

    Apple has the largest content of arabic gum in all fruits. This kind of methyl cellulose is conducive to balancing intestinal bacteria and preventing diarrhea.

    When you have diarrhea, eat an apple every few hours. You can also boil apples to soften their methyl cellulose and reduce intestinal peristalsis.

    6. Reduce blood pressure

    Glacial acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can reduce the level of angiotensin 2, thereby improving vascular conditions and reducing hypertension.

    7. Maintain bones

    The plant growth hormone and nutrient element boron in apples are conducive to repairing the estrogen level. Apple vinegar can improve the balance of gastric juice, facilitate the digestion and absorption of high-quality protein, and thus reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

    8. Prevention of wheat straw heat

    Apple contains sphingomyelin with antihistamine and antioxidant effects. The sphingomyelin is mainly stored in the apple peel, and the sphingomyelin in red apples is more than that in green apples. This substance is beneficial to the treatment of allergic rhinitis or wheat straw fever.

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