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Efficacy of bamboo cane water

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Efficacy of bamboo cane water


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  • 2024-05-25 21:01:44

    Maogen Bamboo Cane Water is a very common healthy tea in daily life. It has many functions, such as clearing away heat, removing fire, promoting blood circulation and lowering blood pressure. Its practice is very simple and easy to learn. It can only be made by preparing the necessary raw materials and following the process step by step. If you need it, you can try to learn and train, I firmly believe that we can make refreshing Maogen Bamboo Cane Water.

    1、 Sugarcane water method for bamboo root

    Dehumidify the fire and fire the tea

    This Xiahuo tea is very delicious. It is sweet without old rock sugar, and has no odor. We ordered the big market early in the morning. We bought everything there and could find all the food we wanted.

    1 Radish

    With rich and colorful protein, carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins, it has various health care effects on the body.

    2 thatch

    Dispelling blood, promoting blood circulation, clearing heat and detoxification are beneficial to urination

    3 Horseshoe

    It has the functions of dispersing blood and toxin, diuresis and defecation, dampness and phlegm, digestion and swelling.

    4 Bamboo cane

    It is sweet and refreshing, clearing away heat and fire, opening the chest and benefiting the diaphragm, improving appetite, and has excellent effects on preventing hepatitis, cold and cold, and gastrointestinal heat.

    How to make

    Raw materials: 100g Maogen, 1000g bamboo cane, 150g carrot, 250g horseshoe


    Clean the roots, cut them into long sections, and control the moisture content.

    Gently scrape the bamboo cane with a knife, clean it, and cut it into small pieces.

    Peel the horseshoe, wash it and reserve it.

    The carrot is peeled and cut into pieces.

    Pour all the raw materials into the pot, add proper amount of cold water, turn to the Chinese fire to boil for 40 minutes after the fire.


    All raw materials contain sugar, and the nourishing soup cooked has already been sweet. If you really like it sweeter, you can add some old rock candy with moderate talent.

    2、 The Function of Sugarcane Water in Phyllostachys pubescens

    The drink "Maogenzhu Sugarcane Water": sweet in taste, cold in nature, has the health care function of dispersing blood, benefiting blood, clearing heat, detoxifying and lowering blood pressure; It has the same effect as the drink "horseshoe bamboo sugarcane water". These two kinds of tonic soup drinks are very popular in Southeast Asia and in Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, Macao, Hainan Province, Fujian Province and other places in China. They are among many "Xiahuo Tea" families, and these two "Xiahuo Tea" are the most refreshing.

    In the above tropical climate, it is generally effective to cook Maogen and bamboo cane or horseshoe and bamboo cane hot and sell on the street, and it is also modern to produce canned beer or canned drinks. In hot summer, note: horseshoe water chestnut.

    The boiled water of bamboo cane contains light taste of horseshoe and bamboo cane, which is delicious. Even children who don't like drinking water can accept it. At the turn of summer and autumn, it is most suitable to make such a simple healthy drink with hands. Make this delicious, healthy and healthy drink for your favorite people at home this Sunday

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