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How to make northeast dried bean curd with scallion oil?

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How to make northeast dried bean curd with scallion oil?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Usually, when you go to the food market to buy food, you can often see dried bean skin, also known as dried tofu, which is a very traditional bean food. It tastes very good and has very high nutritional components. For example, dried bean belt has rich and colorful soybean lecithin, so it can reduce cholesterol after eating, It can also prevent cardiovascular diseases. Here is a detailed introduction to the practice of dried tofu with scallion oil in Northeast China.

    Methods of dried bean curd with scallion oil in Northeast China:

    Water tofu can be made into a variety of special foods. This water tofu is dried bean curd with scallion oil. Do you know how to make it? It is believed that many people have eaten this special food. However, for the method of making this food, you still need to learn and train before you can eat the more authentic dried bean curd with scallion oil, which is a very good nutritious food, I can have a look.

    1、 How to Make Dried Tofu with Scallion Oil

    Food: 200g dried bean skin, 50g green onion, 30g carrot, proper salt, proper chicken essence, proper sesame oil, proper sugar

    technological process

    1. Blanch the dried bean skin in boiling water.

    2. Cool the boiled dried bean skin.

    3. Combed into a square 7 cm wide.

    4. Cut into wires of the same size (7cm long and 7cm long).

    5. Cut onions and carrots into 7cm long strips.

    6. Put proper salt, chicken essence, sugar and sesame oil into a container and mix them. Add shredded dried tofu, shredded scallions and shredded carrots

    2、 Other methods of dried bean skin

    1. Dried Tofu with Peppers in Northeast China

    Raw materials: 350g dried bean skin, 80g lean pork, 50g green pepper, vegetable oil, edible salt, garlic, ginger slices, soy sauce, rice wine, pepper noodles, corn starch


    (1) Clean the dried bean skin and cut it into strips, clean and cut the green pepper into cutting knives, and cut the lean pork into slices;

    (2) In the bottom pan, add a small amount of oil, add garlic and ginger, stir fry the raw pork until the color of the raw pork fades;

    (3) Add soy sauce and pepper noodles, dry bean skin stir fry evenly;

    (4) Add a small amount of water and boil it over high fire;

    (5) Add salt seasoning to the cut green pepper;

    (6) Finally thicken with starch and serve.

    2. Mixed onion with dried bean skin

    Raw materials: 200g dry bean skin, 100g green onion, a small amount of sesame oil, edible salt, sugar, sesame oil, vinegar, garlic, pepper


    (1) Cut the dried bean skin into strips and blanch it in boiling water;

    (2) Pick up the dried bean skin to control the moisture content;

    (3) Stir dried bean skins with shredded shallots, peppers, chopped garlic, sesame oil, white granulated sugar, salt, vinegar and sesame oil.

    3. Dried Tofu with Oil

    Raw materials: 300g dried bean skin, vegetable oil, edible salt, garlic, ginger water, soy sauce, Pixian bean paste, rattan pepper, red pepper, small pepper, sesame oil, spicy fresh dew, and a small amount of white granulated sugar


    (1) Take the pot, add some cold water to boil, add dried tofu shreds and boil to remove beany smell;

    (2) Add some oil to the frying pan, and put in the anise and green and red pepper to simmer until fragrant;

    (3) Put in Pixian bean paste and stir fry it into chili oil, and stir fry garlic to produce fragrance;

    (4) Add proper amount of cold water, ginger water, white granulated sugar, soy sauce and spicy fresh dew;

    (5) Put in the boiled dried bean skin. Cook for a while;

    (6) Take the pot and pour in the proper cooking oil. Heat the oil and add the peppercorns. Deep fry until fragrant;

    (7) Drizzle the fried chilli on the dried bean skin, sprinkle with vanilla, and serve.

    4. Spicy Shredded Tofu

    Raw materials: 100g dried bean curd, 50g dried red pepper, 50g garlic, 30g soy sauce, 30g salt, 20g sugar, 20g cooked sesame seeds.


    (1) Soak dried tofu shreds in small water and clean them. Comb and develop short and moderate segments, and smash garlic.

    (2) Add some oil in the pot, add shredded bean curd and salt, then add raw soy sauce, turn to the gentle fire, gently roll with chopsticks until evenly colored, and then put out the reservation;

    (3) Add some oil in the pot, stir fry the garlic paste and dry chilli until fragrant, then put in the soon fried shredded bean curd, stir fry twice, sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds, and you can put it on the plate.

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