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The highest calorie food list

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The highest calorie food list


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Calorific power is the kinetic energy required by the body and also included in the food ingredients. The calorific value of different kinds of food is different, and people will get more or less calorific value when they take this kind of food. Some special families (hypertension, diabetes, obesity) have strict management on caloric intake, and they have a mutual problem: what is the food with high calorie?

    The problem of high calorie food is often explicitly raised because special families can selectively prevent them from eating when they have meals. Now let's talk about what high calorie food is.

    Ranking of ingredients with the highest calorific value

    To distinguish high calorie ingredients, it is necessary to list the food ranking table with high calorie based on the data and information tested by scientific research:

    Food with high calorie number 1: chili oil. Calorific value: 900KJ / 100g, body fat: 100g / 100g.

    Food with high calorie ranked second: animal oil. Calorific value: 897KJ/100g, body fat: 99.6g/100g.

    Food with high calorie ranked third: fresh cream. Calorific value: 879KJ/100g, body fat: 97g/100g.

    The fourth food with high calorie: peanut butter. Calorific value: 630KJ/100g, body fat: 52.7g/100g.

    Food with high calorie: hamburger, Korean fried chicken. Calorific value: 570KJ/100g, body fat: 5.3g/100g.

    The sixth food with high calorie: Dove chocolate (including the same kind of food materials). Calorific value: 483KJ/100g, body fat: 29g/100g.

    The food with high calorie ranked No. 7: peach crisp biscuits. Calorific value: 480KJ / 100g, body fat: 21.8g/100g.

    Food with high calorie ranked 8th: compressed dry food. Calorific value: 460KJ / 100g, body fat: 17.8g/100g.

    Food with high calorie ranked 9th: milk tea shop. Calorific value: 320KJ / 100g, body fat: 3.09g/100g.

    Food with high calorie ranked 10th: puffs. Calorific value: 250KJ / 100g, body fat: 27.5/100g.

    From the above list of high calorie foods, we can clearly see the normal ingredients, including calorific height, and we hope that those who have special circumstances can avoid them as much as possible to choose more suitable healthy food.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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