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How to eat orange peel

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How to eat orange peel


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Winter is the time to eat oranges. The content of vitamin C in oranges is very high. Eating oranges often has many benefits for physical and mental health. It not only has beauty and beauty, but also can prevent cardiovascular diseases. The water content of oranges is also very large. Most people will lose the outer peel of oranges immediately when they eat oranges, In fact, orange peel can also be used for taking. How to eat orange peel?

    How to eat orange peel?

    The whole body of orange peel is a treasure. Apart from its high efficacy and function, it also has the function of beauty and skin care. After the candied orange peel is well prepared, you can usually make snacks. For example, in the case of a hot pot, you can often take one or two of them to strengthen the spleen and stomach, or drink them in water when you encounter a small fever or cold, which will help digestion, cough and phlegm. It is also delicious to make cakes or toast with candied orange peel. The orange peel can be cut into strips, and can also be made into sweet orange peel silk or sweet orange peel dice with a hob.

    Production of saccharified orange peel vaccine

    raw material:

    Dried tangerine peel: 200g (net weight after solution) Old rock sugar: 190g Green lemon: one and a half grams of salt: 2g Cold water: appropriate salt: appropriate (for orange washing)


    1. Wash Gannan navel orange with salt by hand and reserve wiping water.

    2. Cut an orange into four pieces, and then cut it in half into eight pieces.

    3. Remove part of the melon pulp.

    4. Use a watermelon knife to separate the skin from the white pulp along the bottom.

    5. Gradually scrape off the white pulp.

    6. Paint all the tangerine peel successively.

    7. Slice the tangerine peel and dice it.

    8. Put proper cold water into the pot and add diced tangerine peel.

    9. After the fire starts, turn to low heat and boil for three minutes, then take it out and soak in cold water for a while.

    10. Dry the water by hand.

    11. Put proper cold water into the pot to boil, and then add diced tangerine peel and salt. The water flow should not exceed that of diced tangerine peel.

    12. Add lumpy old rock candy and cook slowly.

    13. When the old rock sugar is boiled, the water flow becomes less and less.

    14. When the water flow is less and less than half, add the seeded dry lemon slice.

    15. Cook slowly until the tangerine peel becomes more transparent.

    16. Cook until there is a little red bean syrup left in the pot, and then turn off the fire.

    17. The candied orange peel can be canned after refrigeration. The candied orange peel is clean and flawless, with a strong orange aroma.

    18. The storage tank containing candied orange peel must be cleaned, sterilized and sterilized with boiling water, and the drying water can be used.


    1. Store in the refrigerator, and scoop out with a clean spoon when eating.

    2. Remove the white pulp of the dried tangerine peel as much as possible, otherwise the finished product will taste bitter.

    3. Diced tangerine peel can be boiled and sprinkled with white granulated sugar to dry to make preserved fruit.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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