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Is longan hot or cold

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Is longan hot or cold


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Longan is a common fruit in coastal areas of China. Some people call it dried longan, which is a kind of fresh fruit with high nutritional content. It can be eaten fresh and used to soak in water after drying. Some people will add dried longan when they are cooking hot pot stews. As a condiment, we can generally see longan from the bottom of hot pot hot pot, Longans should not be eaten by children. Children will get angry if they eat too much. Is longans hot or cold?

    Is longan hot or cold

    Longan belongs to hot and humid fresh fruit, but it is hot. If it belongs to people with spleen deficiency, severe anemia and poor complexion, eat more longan. In addition, Gan Guiyuan is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to fortify the heart and soul, while Guipi Decoction is a prescription commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to cure the body's deficiency of heart and blood, which leads to restlessness and shallow sleep. This kind of shallow sleepers always stay awake because of a little noise. Some people are not easy to fall asleep when they wake up. At this time, eating more longan meat can nourish their heart.


    People with high internal fire need not take a lot of them in summer. After eating, people with high internal fire are very likely to suffer from constipation or dry mouth and thirst. It can be matched with other healthy food ingredients, such as longan and jujube soup, which can be placed in the refrigerator for a period of time later to help reduce fire and relieve heat.

    In addition, patients with fever, cold, fever, cough, phlegm, and fever are not suitable to take dried longan or drink longan tea. Pregnant women, especially those who cannot eat. This is because pregnant women tend to have deficiency of kidney yin, which is very easy to produce internal fire, mainly showing constipation, yellowing urine, dry mouth and dry tongue. At this time, eating longan can not nourish, but instead increase internal fire, which may cause pregnancy red, abdominal pain, abdominal distention and other symptoms of threatened abortion.

    Efficacy and function of longan

    1. Invigorate blood and qi

    Longan meat has a high sugar content and contains grape sugar that can be immediately digested and absorbed by the body. It is weak, sickly, anemic, old and weak, and has been ill for a long time. It is very nourishing to eat some yuan meat.

    2. Soothe the nerves and help sleep

    Longan can also be used for insomnia, memory loss, panic, dizziness and other diseases caused by lung and stomach deficiency, qi and blood deficiency. Dry longan contains glucose, soft white sugar, vitamin D, B and other nutrients. If you are dizzy, eat a few dried longans moderately to add sugar and improve your spirit.

    3. Keep warm and remove moisture

    Longan meat is often used in the folk custom of hometown to soak in wine. Eating it in spring and winter can keep warm, remove moisture, and provide health care. Steamed eggs from longan meat in the drink will be a "farm meal" that can not be tasted in star rated hotels. It is fragrant and sweet beyond description. It is said that a bowl of glutinous rice porridge made from Guiyuan meat, ginger slices, old brown sugar and red dates will keep you warm.

    4. Nourishing blood and brain

    Dry longan contains rich and colorful glucose, soft white sugar, protein, etc., and has a high copper content. It can not only improve energy and supplement nutrients, but also promote hemoglobin concentration reconstruction to enrich blood and qi. The experimental study found that longan meat, in addition to nourishing the whole body, is very beneficial to the brain nerves, improving memory and relieving fatigue.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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