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Side effects of carrot

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Side effects of carrot


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Carrots contain a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Especially in winter, people prefer carrots. They will have a practical effect of dispersing cold, which will make people feel less cold. However, carrots can not be eaten too much. If they take too much, their liver will suffer a certain load, There is no way to digest and absorb so many nutrients in a short time.

    But although carrots are good, they should not be taken too much. If we eat a lot of carrots in a short period of time, we will take too much carotene, and the liver cannot convert it into vitamin D, so unnecessary carotene will be stored in our body fat. The carotene is water-soluble, so our human body fat is actually oil. Therefore, if we eat too much, the human body will store it in human body fat if it is not used up for a while. As a result, the skin looks a bit yellow, which is called orange peel disease in medicine.

    The protein content of carrots and carrot products is relatively high, and carrot protein is a complete protein, which not only contains eight kinds of carbohydrates essential to the body, but also its proportion is close to the body's needs, and the potency of nutritional ingredients is high. Carrots also contain human fat, carbohydrate compounds, vitamins and minerals.

    According to the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, carrots taste sweet and cool. They enter the channels of the spleen, stomach and small intestine. They can nourish the blood, promote fluid production, quench thirst, clear heat and eliminate fire. They can be used to treat red eyes, quench thirst, relieve sulfur powder, and detoxify liquor. But although carrots are good, eating too much also has disadvantages, and too much will harm your physical and mental health. Problem 1: It causes indigestion. Carrots contain extremely rich and colorful proteins. Taking too much at one time not only blocks the body's digestion and absorption of iron, but also easily causes protein indigestion, abdominal distention, diarrhea and other uncomfortable diseases.

    Problem 2: Promote the decline of renal function Under all normal conditions, the green vegetable protein that people eat into the body undergoes metabolic transformation, and eventually most of it turns into medium nitrogen waste, which is discharged from the body by the renal function. When people come to the old age, the working ability of kidney function metabolic waste will be reduced. If you do not pay attention to the diet, many people take carrots and take too much natural plant protein, it will certainly increase the medium nitrogen waste converted by the body, increase the pressure on kidney function, further decline the kidney function, and harm the physical and mental health.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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